Series: Pimsleur Language Program
Audio CD
Publisher: Pimsleur; Abridged edition (October 1, 1998)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0671315226
ISBN-13: 978-0671315221
Product Dimensions: 1.2 x 5.2 x 7.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 8.8 ounces
Average Customer Review: 3.7 out of 5 stars See all reviews (18 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #3,224,957 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #126 in Books > Books on CD > Languages > Language Instruction > Italian #805 in Books > Textbooks > Humanities > Foreign Languages > Italian #6711 in Books > Books on CD > General
I am going to Italy in 3 weeks, and was totally stressed about not knowing the language. I bought this Pimsleur course in desperation, knowing that a lot of the ambassadors use this method. I was prepared to be disappointed, but I was totally amazed at how effortless and natural this method is.Basically, the Pimsleur method immerses you in a very small subset of the language at first, and runs you through EVERY permutation: "I don't understand english", "I understand english a little", "I understand italian a little", "do you understand english?"...etc. Once you've done this for a little while, it ramps up the vocabulary and the different verbs and usages. The progression is so natural, you'll be amazed at the sophistication of the conversations you will understand on the CD.I can now ask my wife: "Vorrebbe mangiare qualcosa con me?" and to ask the waiter (il camierere) "Vorrei una birra nazionale, molto grande e molto freddo!" The first sentence is a standard Pimsleur construct, the second one I naturally constructed on my own with the knowledge I gained during the course.Anyway, I can't wait to buy the rest of the series. Io parlo un po' l'italiano adesso!Buona Fortuna!
Before travelling to Italy last year, I used this program to learn a little bit of Italian. I had no previous experience with Italian. I found the CD's very well organized and easy to follow, and I thought the Pimsleur method made it easy to learn the material. While I was in Italy, my confidence was improved markedly because I had done this course before I left.However, I wish it had focused more on topics I was likely to encounter as a tourist. I did supplement this program with a very simple Berlitz program for travellers that taught me more of the vocabulary I was likely to need.Also, while I liked the Pimsleur method and found it to be a useful way to learn Italian, I think the prices they charge for the full version of their courses is too high. Cynically, I suspect that this product is part of a marketing strategy to get you enthusiastic about their program so you'll buy the full system. After getting my feet wet with this product, I would have enthusiastically purchased Pimsleur Comprehensive Level 1 for $75, but not for $300. However, I would probably purchase a full Pimsleur system, even at the prices they're asking, if I were going to be moving to a country where I didn't speak the language.
I think the course is great for audio learners. I realized about halfway through the course when I was becoming frustrated with the speed of the conversations, it is because as an artist, I'm a very visual learner. After I do some visual homework, this course will be more useful to me. Ask yourself before buying it, am I an audio or visual learner.
I went to Italy on a study abroad program and I am a firm believer in learning some of the language before visiting. Therefore I purchased this CD program to listen to in my car. It was extremely helpful in some areas, others not so much. I felt this program was more towards those who plan on having long, pronouned contact with others. It tells you how to ask people if they want to go eat something with you and where. I was hoping for more of airport language, what to say in a resturant or hotel. Still, this helped greatly because even though I was not going to ask someone "do you want to eat dinner at my place", I picked up on some of the words.The best part of this CD is it helped me a TON with my dialect and my accent. The things I did know how to say, I said well and many times people thought I spoke fluent Italian (until I got a blank look on my face as they spoke to me).I highly reccomend this CD to anyone but also, I would buy a Italian dictionary as well! It is wonderful hearing the language but seeing the words are very important too!!A definite bargain for the knowledge you will gain!
This series of tapes is a great concept - learn by hearing, break language down into its simplest part(the syllable), and lots of repetition from the syllable to the sentence level.It must be a great method for English speakers who have never tried to learn any foreign language before. However, I found it so simple that it was frustrating and annoying. If you have any background in romance languages this method will probably be too simple for you too.For instance, the entire 1st tape (both sides) is devoted exclusively to learning how to say, "I understand Italian." "I don't understand Italian." "Do you understand English?" "I'm American." Tape 2 begins, of course by repeating what you've already learned. In a half hour I expected to learn more.Part of the problem is that I had already bought other tapes first and then moved on to these because I had heard they were so good.While I would hihgly recommend this if it's your first time learning a foreign language, if you've had high school Latin, Spanish or French, move on to something a little more advanced like The "Listen & Learn" or "Berlitz" methods.
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