Series: Speak in a Week! Week 2
Audio CD
Publisher: Penton Overseas; Com/Pap edition (September 30, 2005)
Language: Italian
ISBN-10: 1591255457
ISBN-13: 978-1591255451
Product Dimensions: 6.1 x 6.2 x 1 inches
Shipping Weight: 8 ounces
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (1 customer review)
Best Sellers Rank: #2,763,788 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #103 in Books > Books on CD > Languages > Language Instruction > Italian #55408 in Books > Reference > Words, Language & Grammar
I am VERY impressed with this series, and it is very convenient to listen to while on the go or even on your phone, ipod, ipad, etc. as you can download it from the CD onto your computer! What I like most about this series is that it is easy to understand and it is repetitive. It is nice to hear certain phrases repeated and also changed depending on that context (in example "Ho Bisogno...." or "Ho Voglio...."- Many different variations). The price is a huge bargain, as some other series are $50-$100! There are three weeks of this series, and you don't have to buy them all at once if you aren't satisfied with them... and I like that you can buy them over time in case you don't want to spend an arm and a leg on something that doesn't work for you! I also like that the voices aren't cheesy and they pronounce things very well and easy to understand from a non-italian speaker's point of view! Overall, I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND this product, and seriously for the price you can't really go wrong!
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