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Michel Thomas Method: Speak Japanese
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Experience the language learning method millions around the world have come to trust Unlike most language learning systems, the Michel Thomas Method enables you to naturally and intuitively develop the building blocks for language comprehension. You learn at your own speed--listening, speaking, and thinking through the language. Guided by a language instructor and native speakers, Michel Thomas Method--Speak Japanese for Beginners takes you through an interactive lesson with two other students. By the end of the program, you will have the ability to put together words and phrases together naturally and make your own sentences. You will have basic vocabulary, conversation skills, and the confidence to speak in Japanese.

Audio CD

Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 1 edition (April 10, 2009)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0071614362

ISBN-13: 978-0071614368

Product Dimensions: 7.1 x 1.6 x 9.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 12 ounces

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (21 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #461,819 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #11 in Books > Books on CD > Languages > Language Instruction > Japanese #226 in Books > Travel > Asia > Japan > General #114645 in Books > Reference

HAVE YOU BEEN WONDERING AROUND FOR MONTHS, MAYBE BOUGHT A TEXT OR TWO, STILL HAVENT LEARNT ANYTHING - AND MAYBE DONT EVEN THING AN AUDIO CAUSE IS FOR YOU? Good. Cause it means i wasnt the only one. Stop looking. Get this. Move on and start speaking Japanese.My review in short:Im really impressed at how much i learnt and how i retained it. (I though audio programs were a joke)Im not saying you learn a whole heap, and you will all be masters of Japanese, but i think you will surprise your self with this program.It teaches you how to speak, in full sentences, like a native (although very basic), and you end up with a very good understanding of how the language works.It puts you in a good place to continue your studies. As well as a huge advantage over other students considered to be at your same level (based on vocab, which this program doesnt focus on).Even though you are only talking to your CD player, its really good for speaking practice.It should be your FIRST step in Japanese, but if you have already started it doesnt matter!After this course you will have a good feel for the language and the direction you should take to continue studying Japanese (which is impossible to know otherwise).My full review:Firstly: You do not need ANY experience in Japanese, or any language other than spoken English to use this program. It doesnt expect you to know how to learn a language (yes there is actually an ordered process). So unlike other ways of learning it wont go into detailed grammar which just bewilders beginners - and then they give up.To summarize what this course does in three words:It teaches verbs!

I am a huge fan of the Michel Thomas courses. Having studied the previous Spanish and French courses which were taught by Mr. Thomas before his death, I can tell you that it is possible to obtain a certain comfort level with the languages at the completion of the courses. Having said that, the previous courses did have some flaws. For one thing, the format could be frustrating if one had plans to listen to the courses more than one time. Basically, Mr. Thomas guided two pupils (one of which was invariably slow to learn) by having them try to put simple sentences together based on a noun or verb previously introduced. The pupils would try it, and Mr. Thomas would then repeat it before moving on to the next example. The audio quality was just average, and at times Mr. Thomas seemed to lose patience with his pupils. At times, it all could get quite tiresome. The courses also appeared to me to be hastily put together. Still, for the money, the recordings were light years above just about anything else out there.This new Japanese course, in my opinion, is pretty much perfect as a first level introduction to a very challenging language. Ms. Gilhooly not only has picked up where Mr. Thomas left off, but I believe has gone him one better. First off, the format is slightly different. Ms. Gilhooly, in her very soothing, mildly English accent introduces the concept, the students build on it, and finally the correct phrase is repeated by a native Japanese speaker. The inclusion of this last element, which was missing in Mr. Thomas' recordings, makes all the difference and really sets this recording apart from the previous courses. I never get tired or bored of listening to these recordings.

Michel Thomas has become one of my favorite beginner courses for learning Japanese. This course aims to teach you basic grammar, unlike "listen and repeat" courses that explain little and expect you to be a copy-cat. There is a professor and two other students, so it feels like you are in a small classroom environment. The male student is quick/correct with his answers, whereas the woman tends to be slower and make more mistakes. Instead of blindly memorizing, you will get lots of practice building your own sentences based on what the professor has taught you so far.There are demos available online so you can hear a few minutes of the material. If you go to the Michel Thomas website and look at their FAQ section, they have a link to the booklets that come with the course. If you read it, you can get a good idea of how much grammar is taught.At the end of this beginner course, you will be able to speak about what you like/dislike, what you are good at/bad at, what you are planning to do in the future, what you did recently, explain something using "because/therefore," etc. If you know your kana, you will be able to write short journal/diary-like entries on Lang8, which I think is awesome considering the course is less than 10 hours long (you would have to look up some vocab depending on what you wrote, of course, but you'd have the grammar down).After finishing this course, you could either get the Advanced course (which isn't really "advanced," more of an upper-beginner level) and/or use something like Learn in Your Car Japanese (LIYCJ) to build up vocabulary and sentence patterns. Since you'll already have the basic grammar down, LIYCJ's material will make more sense.

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