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Lost And Found
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Cady Briggs is very useful to Mack Easton - her expertise in art and antiques helps his shadowy, low-profile company, Lost and Found, find missing treasures for high-paying clients. But as Cady's beloved Aunt Vesta warns her, being useful to a client is one thing - being used is another. Still, Cady finds it hard to resist the magnetic pull Mack exerts, an attraction she felt from the first time she heard his voice on the phone. And as their work together puts them in an explosive situation, Cady wonders just how much she'd risk for the thrill of being with this man. When Aunt Vesta dies suddenly, and strange developments affect her family's prestigious gallery, Cady must turn to a man she isn't sure she can trust. And instead of tracking down missing masterpieces, they'll be hunting down a killer. . .

Audio CD

Publisher: Brilliance Audio; Abridged edition (October 30, 2009)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1441826521

ISBN-13: 978-1441826527

Product Dimensions: 5 x 0.4 x 5.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.2 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (78 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #2,573,693 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #21 in Books > Books on CD > Authors, A-Z > ( K ) > Krentz, Jayne Ann #2346 in Books > Books on CD > Romance #4893 in Books > Books on CD > Mystery & Thrillers

I thought this book pulled together a lot of recent trends I've noticed in her recent work (edgier, more focus on mystery, slightly more 'ordinary' h&h) and made it all work. I like the lack of major drama in the past lives of the main characters. He is a widower but she wasn't murdered by the bad guy ('Sharp Edges') or die in a dramatic plane crash ('Family Man') - and his first marriage was a good one. His daughter is a normal teenager. The heroine is successful and good at her job without being nauseatingly so. All in all nice people one might like to meet, and yet they still manage to solve the crime, hold their own in fights, and set the sheets on fire!The recent 'Shady Lady' also has regular people characters, but somehow they're a little too ordinary. Mack and Cady manage to be normal but still transcend the ordinary enough to be belivable as hero and heroine.

Cady Briggs knew Mack Easton only from the internet. He owned an online company, Lost And Found. He mainly traced stolen artifacts for owners and museums when the owner could not go to the police for one reason or another. Mack hired her as a consultant often since she had excellent connections in the art world. They met face-to-face when Mack hired her to help him track down a stolen antique helmet.Everyone said Cady Briggs was a lot like her Aunt Vesta Briggs. They both had a fine eye for art and antiques, fought panic attacks, and had bad luck with men! But everyone also knew that Cady liked consulting jobs. She wanted nothing to do with Chatelaine, the gallery Vesta ran. Sylvia, Cady's cousin, was a natural born CEO and was a shoo-in for inheriting Vesta's shares when she passed away. However, one week before Vesta died, she changed her will to give all the stocks to Cady. Vesta made it clear that she was considering canceling a bidding for Chatelaine to merge with Austrey-Post as well.Cady did not believe Vesta's death to be a swimming accident. Thinking foul play and the concerns Vesta had of the merger, she called Mark for help. He would pose as her "soon to be fiancée", and help track down a killer that she could not prove existed. It quickly became apparent that more than one scam was going on! And Cady was in the hot seat!***** Jayne Ann Krentz has often proven to me that I am right to consider her one of the best Modern Contemporary authors of our time! This latest book will take a place of honor among my favorites in my "Keeper" shelf! There is not way I could recommend this book highly enough! *****

Mack Eason, owner of LOST AND FOUND, uses art consultants like decorative art expert Cady Briggs, to help recover treasures for an exorbitant fee. However, after exchanging sensual communication over the phone and through E-mail, Mack and Cady meet for the first time in Vegas over business. His Vegas clients run a two-bit museum that could never afford the cost of services of either Mack Or Cady. Because they are friends, Mack wants to help them regain and sell a very valuable stolen helmet. To Cady, meeting her "fantasy man" makes the trip worth everything.When Cady's octogenarian Aunt Vesta, owner of a highly regarded gallery, suspiciously dies, Cady suspects foul play tied to a merger that her beloved, but eccentric relative put on hold. She asks Mack to help her investigate Vesta's death, not realizing there is danger from a killer. While they begin to fall in love, they remain unsure what their partner feels.Renowned by fans and critics for years for her powerful romantic suspense novels, Jayne Ann Krentz will satisfy her toughest reader with her newest entry, LOST AND FOUND. The story line is fast-paced, filled with action, and strong characterizations. Mack and Cady are a delightful lead duo and the support ensemble, especially the Vegas pair and Vesta, add strength to the plot through eccentric, but charming behavior. Ms. Krentz is sure to reappear on the best-seller lists.Harriet Klausner

While I enjoyed this book it wasn't one of her best. I've read several of Ms. Krentz's books as well as those she has written as Amanda Quick. Her historical romance books are by far my favorit. Making the change to her contemporary suspense/romance novels has been interesting. While I was stumped as to "who done it?" until the end there was something lacking in this book that I've found in her others. I'll continue to read both her historical and contemporary romance novels and I suggest that you give her other work a try before reading Lost and Found.

Cady Briggs knew Mack Easton only from the internet. He owned an online company, Lost And Found. He mainly traced stolen artifacts for owners and museums when the owner could not go to the police for one reason or another. Mack hired her as a consultant often since she had excellent connections in the art world. They met face-to-face when Mack hired her to help him track down a stolen antique helmet.Everyone said Cady Briggs was a lot like her Aunt Vesta Briggs. They both had a fine eye for art and antiques, fought panic attacks, and had bad luck with men! But everyone also knew that Cady liked consulting jobs. She wanted nothing to do with Chatelaine, the gallery Vesta ran. Sylvia, Cady's cousin, was a natural born CEO and was a shoo-in for inheriting Vesta's shares when she passed away. However, one week before Vesta died, she changed her will to give all the stocks to Cady. Vesta made it clear that she was considering canceling a bidding for Chatelaine to merge with Austrey-Post as well.Cady did not believe Vesta's death to be a swimming accident. Thinking foul play and the concerns Vesta had of the merger, she called Mark for help. He would pose as her "soon to be fiancée", and help track down a killer that she could not prove existed. It quickly became apparent that more than one scam was going on! And Cady was in the hot seat!**** Jayne Ann Krentz has often proven to me that I am right to consider her one of the best Modern Contemporary authors of our time! This latest book will take a place of honor among my favorites in my "Keeper" shelf! There is not way I could recommend this book highly enough!

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