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Mastering Computer Typing, Revised Edition
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The best way to make your computer more efficient is to touch-type – to type without looking at the keyboard – and this book can teach you how to do just that. Mastering Computer Typing has been completely updated with all-new exercises and material on resumés, cover letters, email, blogs, instant messaging, and texting.Designed for self-instruction or classroom use, this book is the ideal choice for beginners who want to move from hunting-and-pecking to typing with ease, and for experienced typists who want to break bad habits and improve their accuracy. Practice exercises focus on subjects pertinent to today’s business professional, so keyboarders gain business-writing know-how as they learn to type with maximum speed and efficiency.Users begin by typing simple words and proceed through a wide array of practical applications, including charts, tables, and columns; business letters, cover letters, and resumés; reports and manuscripts; and timely new sections on electronic messaging. Embedded in the user-friendly exercises are helpful tips on email etiquette, eight ways to get the results you want from your writing, and a section on “punctuation made easy.” There is also an updated glossary of computer terms and advice on how to avoid “thumbitis” when typing on a PDA.Spiral-bound at the top for ease of use, Mastering Computer Typing is complete, comprehensive, and current and the only resource you’ll need to perfect your typing skills.

Spiral-bound: 208 pages

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; Spi Rev edition (April 21, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0547333196

ISBN-13: 978-0547333199

Product Dimensions: 7 x 0.9 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 15.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (31 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #37,042 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #5 in Books > Business & Money > Skills > Secretarial Aids & Training #1275 in Books > Computers & Technology

I first got this book out of the library and was impressed with how easy it was to use. I could type a little but not touch-typing. When I stuck to it, my touch-typing improved dramatically. I have never taken typing lessons and being middle-aged, was afraid I'd never be any good at typing, let alone touch-typing. The author teaches you not only typing but about the keyboard, the best way to sit while typing and other useful information. I especially like how you must look at the book to do the lessons, rather than the screen. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn how to touch-type.

Everything involving this book was easy. It's nice, not too big, and has great excercises for anyone beginning to type or wanting to improve their typing skills.

The only way for me to learn this is by rote (developing muscle memory). The exercises make sense. I practice about 30 minutes a day (I'm old with arthritis: great exercise for my joints). Old fashioned bells & whistles. Just what I was looking for.

Very easy to follow. I order this book to practice and build up my speed that I lost in my previous job. This book have some sections that may not be up to date but it served my purpose.I will recommend this book to others.

This book will stand alone so it's easy to place on your desk top. Great learning tool, very easy on the eyes for a middle age person.

doesn't show proper placement (which fingers for which keys) aside from home keys & a few others.

This is an excellent book for learning touch typing. I took a typing course in high school many years ago so I know how to touch type. I bought this book as a present for my grandchildren so they could learn a valuable skill. So far I haven't received any feedback and am afraid to ask.

great book for a senior trying to im prove their typing skills.

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