Audio CD
Publisher: Vida; MP3 Una edition (September 11, 2006)
Language: Spanish
ISBN-10: 0829749799
ISBN-13: 978-0829749793
Product Dimensions: 6.5 x 0.6 x 5.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 5.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars See all reviews (18 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #640,640 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #36 in Books > Books on CD > Languages > Spanish #54 in Books > Books on CD > Languages > Language Instruction > Spanish #61 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > Bible
The MP3 format compacts the Bible onto only six discs. Each chapter has its own track making it very easy to access verses quickly especially on a computer with Windows Media Player or the like. The fast pace of the narration can be hard to follow for those learning Spanish. However, I can think of no better way to immerse into the Spanish language. This CD is a joy to listen to.
I did not give this Bible 5 stars for the mere fact that it is not dramatized. It is great to be able to have the Bible read to you but in my opinion it starts to get boring after a while.I own the English version NIV Dramatized and I love it. The music is very subtle, not intrusive at all. The text is read in different voices with infliction and everything. In my opinion it makes it easier to remember.Unfortunately, I don't think that there is a dramatized version in Spanish yet.Still, I do recommend this audio Bible. I downloaded it into my iPod and I listen to it whe I am on the road. You have to make sure you have around 3G free in your iPod to fit it all in.
While learning Spanish one of the most difficult hurdles has been understanding the spoken voice of native speakers. With so many different accents and slang it's been hard to listen to a conversation and keep up. Some conversational Spanish CDs have only a few short tracks of conversation which helps a lot, but I needed more. Watching Univision and listening to Spanish radio was too hard.This is just what I need right now in my journey to master the Spanish language. Hours and hours of conversational Spanish, and if I have a hard time understanding something I have a Spanish Bible as a reference.
If you want to hear a sample of the guys voice who reads this - go to biblegateway and listen to the NVI audio. It's the same guy and recording. One thing I was faced with when searching for a Spanish audio Bible was that I wanted authentic Spanish to hear, not how I would say the words when I read it out loud to myself. I am happy with this!
The lady who reads the introductions to the books does a wonderful job. The readers of the text itself read in an almost sing-song kind of way. There is no inflection in the voice that reflects the content of the text. Thus, it's difficult to listen to for any period of time. It's too bad someone put all that time into a product that is sub-standard for a publisher like Zondervan.
This is a great way to follow through in the Bible. The words are very clear and Rafael Cruz does an excellent job of keeping your attention. This is also a great way to hear the proper pronunciation of the words in the Spanish language.
Everything was excellent. It was I expected. I'm very pleased with the product. Of you are looking for a Spanish speaking bible , I really recommend this bible.
La Biblia en audio es excelente para escuchar en todo momento. Para repasar libros completos de la Biblia con una voz clara y precisa. También muy buena para escuchar mientras se lee la Biblia ya que ayuda a tener una mejor comprensión
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