File Size: 4941 KB
Print Length: 336 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Blue Giraffe Publishing; 2 edition (February 3, 2016)
Publication Date: February 3, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #120,335 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #22 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Personal Health > Work-Related Health #23 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Job Hunting & Careers > Vocational Guidance #37 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Education & Teaching > Higher & Continuing Education > Adult & Continuing Education
Cassandra Gaisford has written an excellent book for those of us who hate their job, have had enough of the long hours, have been made redundant, or just want a new career. She uses examples of many who have become successful in later years.She uses excellent examples as well as exercises to guide you in the process of figuring out your new career. She has exercises that will help you decide what you want to do, exercises that will help you identify your talents, exercises that will help you with every aspect of career change. You are never too old to make a change and everyone has talents whether they know it or not. We all have experiences and interests that can lead to a rewarding career.She guides you through the process with action questions, step by step procedures on what to do to prepare for the change, and many quotes from people who have studied later life career changes and those who have made those changes. She gives you great examples of ways to motivate yourself to learn all you an about what it is you might want to do.This is a book I needed. I have had enough of the long hours in a job that will take me nowhere. I am ready to move on and move up. I recommend it to anyone who is dissatisfied with their current career or job, or whose job has lost them, or anyone who just wants something different. Get this book today and get the life you want before it is too late.
I found this to be an inspiring read and highly recommend it. I recently left a job where I was successful, but not creatively fulfilled. This book offers value to anyone who finds themselves in a situation where they feel stuck and dissatisfied. This book is terrific for career-changers, retirees, people laid off, and those just seeking to be happier in their current job. After reading Gaisford's book, I am starting a passion journal ASAP! She offers not only this terrific idea, but gives you a tip sheet that you can download as well. I will also be sure to read her first book, too. Read this book if you want to get inspired, get your career on track, and ultimately live a happier life.
Having read the authors last book, I was looking forward to reading her latest endeavor. As usual, she didn't disappoint.Our jobs take up so much of our time, and in fact, our entire life. So it's important therefore that we pursue a role that we feel engaged with, and which empowers, rather that robs our time and energy.At some point in your career, you might seriously consider leaving your job and starting up your own business. Although this notion may sound insane to some, or romantic to others, it's not for the faith-hearted. That's why I was pleased to see Cassandra tackle the real challenges starting a business poses. Things like, finding the right business, how to start with little or no money, and how to leverage it to create a great lifestyle, to name a few.If you get to a stage in your like where your want to leave your job and start a business, this book will help you. Each chapter focuses on one highly practical aspect to starting your own business. I really like the entrepreneurial personality quiz she provides. It helps give you a good idea of whether this is for you or not.I felt especially inspired by the true accounts of people who beat the odds by starting a business and how they became successful. This book is clearly laid out, and comes with many links which offer further help. One of those links is a Best Fit Career Workbook.I also like the authors balanced approach. She doesn't over emphasize the success you'll enjoy as a business owner. She also balances this with the percentage of businesses that fail, and the reasons why.If you're looking for some extra motivation and methodology, you will be pleased you've got this book. It makes perfect sense, and could be the exact catalyst you need to build you first, or next business.
Cassandra Gaisford's book, Mid-Life Career Rescue, puts passion first, exactly where it should be! She gently nudges us out of complacency by reminding us our career doesn't have to be life-draining if we are willing to take time figuring out what we want and the skills we have to actually do it. And then brilliantly she provides all the action steps we need to make a move by asking simple, yet powerful questions to help us find the answers already there inside of ourselves.I definitely recommend reading the chapter on stress in her book. I wish I had the valuable information she laid out 15 years ago when I went through a 'brown out'," one step before complete 'burn out.' If I knew what physical signs to look for I would have left that job way earlier than I did. Unfortunately for me I learned the hard way what a stressful job situation can do to you both mentally and physically, but you don't have to. Instead, you just need to read Mid-life Rescue, and follow the advice of Ms. Gaisford.
Many of us have at one point been in a job we didn't love, but were too scared to change. The fear associated with changing jobs overshadows our desire of finding something better. So, day after day we keep doing what doesn't fuel our passion and wonder why our life isn't what it could be.As a starting point, the author asks you to clarify your passions and find your point of brilliance. I thought the later point was a unique way of discovering what we are partially good at. I also liked her chapter on "Pursue your passion not your pension!" Here she dispels the myth that you can't do what you love and be paid for it.If you are at the stage in your life where you have a yearning for more in your job, then this book is for you. Life is too precious to be in a career that's sucking more from you than its returning. Do your life and career a favor; read this book and start an exciting journey with new possibilities.
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