File Size: 511 KB
Print Length: 124 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: August 21, 2013
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Word Wise: Enabled
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Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #281,894 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #30 in Books > Business & Money > Small Business & Entrepreneurship > Franchises #1921 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Entrepreneurship & Small Business #88762 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction
Don't consider any franchise until you have worked through the checklist in this book! John Hayes explains clearly what you must know to make a good decision about investing in a franchise. You will quickly see the true advantages and dangers of a franchise. You will find exactly where to get the expert help you will need on critical franchise legal matters and accounting. "Unlike formal education, life gives the exams first, and the lessons follow." One of life's most expensive lessons is learning to ask the right questions about any decision: you will find the questions you need to ask about a franchise - any franchise - in this book. This easy-to-read book will save you a lot of time, frustration, and money: FIVE STARS for me.Adam Savage, Executive DirectorEntrepreneurs Success Center
Easy to read and simple to understand. This is not a sales book, but an educational one requiring the answers to age old business questions for compatibility, soul searching questions, whys and what to do when considering buying a hot franchise.Knowing that franchises account for One Trillion dollars in retail sales, you just might want to jump in before knowing all the facts. This book will stop you in your tracks and get you on the right one so you don't set yourself up for failure by asking and answering pointed questions to make wise decisions. It will assist you in making the ultimate decision if being a franchisee is for you.Hayes does a wonderful job of explaining franchising as opposed to other forms of distribution and service and making you take a good look at yourself and what you can and cannot tolerate. He stresses heavily that you are not buying yourself a job!Never does this man talk down to the reader. He actually makes you feel good about asking yourself the questions that help you make a life long business decision. Kudos to him for being a great teacher.
This book is like a road map that every potential franchisee should follow. It's important to pay attention, go through the checklist and ask yourself the tough questions. John Hayes clearly understands the personal and financial commitment that goes into the decision to buy a franchise. It takes time to go through all of the steps in the checklist, but it's worth it. Tapping into someone else's experience is invaluable and this book is designed to help you find your internal compass and point you in the right direction. I'm in a much better position to make an informed decision.
I always thought buying a house would be the biggest investment in life, but buying a franchise is even bigger -- and scarier! There are so many points to consider before buying a franchise. No one wants to buy a bad franchise or a franchise that's going to fail. I like the idea of owning a "hot" franchise, but I surely don't want to get burned. But a major obstacle is knowing how to evaluate franchises so that I know which one to buy. I like this book by John Hayes because it is a checklist of the things I have to do to help me find a good franchise. It's like following a recipe. I appreciate that he didn't hide the fact that franchising is risky and it might not be for me. His book gives me confidence.
There is a lot of hype out there about franchising and franchise opportunities, but this book does a terrific job of breaking through the clutter. Based on his decades of experience in all areas of franchising, the author takes a realistic look at all the things that should be considered when purchasing a franchise and puts them in proper perspective. If you are thinking about buying a franchise, this book is a "must read!"
"Franchising isn't for sissies" most often refers to the difficulty entrepreneurs have transforming their independent business into a successful franchise. But after reading "Buy `Hot' Franchises Without Getting Burned," by John P Hayes, one will begin to think becoming a franchisee isn't for sissies either.Hayes, a prolific business writer and professor, removes the stars from the eyes of prospective franchisees by providing a detailed lesson plan on everything they need to know about franchising, from choosing a concept to vetting it to financing it. Too often people fall in love with the next big thing, be it frozen yogurt or doggy daycare, and fail to think through all the pros and cons of a concept, much less, whether they are suited for franchising in the first place.A warning to prospective franchisees: Don't read this book if you're not willing to put in the time and effort to investigate several franchises, because you'll know way too much about the process and the pitfalls. In other words, you'll never be able to say, "why didn't someone warn me about that?"Nancy WeingartnerEditor, Franchise Times magazine
It's a quick and easy read (70 pages). Easy to assimilate and apply. No one should buy a franchise before reading this book! Dr. Hayes presents the fundamentals of franchising in Cliffs Note version with all the right questions to ask when doing your due diligence. Hayes includes a 'Checklist' of questions to ask the franchisor. This alone is worth its weight in gold. I enjoyed the process of how to validate the franchise business by interviewing franchisees and vendors. You can't imagine how helpful this can be!
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