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Winter's Heart (The Wheel Of Time, Book 9)
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Part One Of Two Parts The ninth in THE WHEEL OF TIME series, WINTER'S HEART begins with Rand on the run with Min. Faile, with the Aiel Maidens, Bain and Chiad, is prisoner of Sevanna's sept. Perrin is hunting desperately for Faile. With Elyas Machera, Berelain, the Prophet, and a very mixed "army" of disparate forces, he is moving through a country rife with bandits and roving Seanchan. The Forsaken are ever more present, and united, and the man called Slayer stalks Tel'aran'rhiod and the wolfdream. In Ebou Dar, the Seanchan princess known as Daughter of the Nine Moons arrives - and Mar, who has been recuperating in the Tarasin Palace, is introduced to her. Will the marriage that has been foretold come about? "Jordan has come to dominate the world Tolkien began to reveal..." (New York Times)

Series: Wheel of Time (Book 9)

Audio CD: 20 pages

Publisher: Books on Tape; Unabridged edition (October 24, 2000)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0736656103

ISBN-13: 978-0736656108

Product Dimensions: 2 x 5.8 x 5 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds

Average Customer Review: 3.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (346 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,017,055 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #13 in Books > Books on CD > Authors, A-Z > ( J ) > Jordan, Robert #151 in Books > Books on CD > Literature & Fiction > Religious #151 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > Fiction

First of all, let me say that I too am often amazed and awe-struck by the complexity of the WoT series. It's obvious to me the Robert Jordan's outline alone must have been a huge undertaking. That's what keeps me reading and coming back for more.However, some of the reviewers here are accusing readers who give this book a less than sterling review of having short attention spans. Anyone who has stayed with the series this long is not suffering from a short attention span. The problem with the series is not the length and it is not necessarily a lack of action. The problem is that the series has gotten stale. The same things and the same descriptions are just being repeated, and they are still being described in the same way. There is too much filler. I don't think most people want to read a description of what each character is wearing unless there's a specific reason. It may have been important earlier in the series that Rand was wearing elaborately embroidered expensive finery while his friends were still dressed in humble country clothes. Now, however, he's simply wears variations on the same outfit, but they're always described in detail.I'm not surprised that some readers are having trouble remembering the huge cast of characters. Just the similarity of the names alone is becoming an annoyance. Notice anything similar here?: Alaine, Bain, Berelain, Cadsuane, Caredwain, Dain, Deain, Dobraine, Egwene, Elayne, Ellaine, Faolain, Jain, Lain, Logain, Luaine, Melaine, Moiraine, Mordraine, Padan Fain, Raen, Shiaine, Tigraine. It's enough to make Nynaeve tug the braid right off of her head!I've also noticed the lack of a really evil, frightening foe in the later books. Trollocs were scary in the first book or two, but now they're just fodder.

Did anyone have this problem: I read about 250 pages and was so confused about what was going on because I didn't remember who these people were? The relatively minor characters that are running around performing tasks all over the place, like those sisters hunting Black Ajah in the Tower, had me scrounging around for my copy of PoD so I could look up who they were and what they were doing. I didn't even remember that Morgase was now 'Maigden' or whatever the maid's name is that she's pretending to be. The only reason I remembered that's who it was is because the inside flap of the book says Morgase is a captive. The book itself never even mentions her name. Shouldn't RJ give a little reminder? One quick sentence like "Morgase was getting tired of the charade." I mean it's been 2 years and PoD wasn't that memorable. Most authors do give minor rehashes to keep their audience abreast. It doesn't dumb down the book (too much), and for people like me who don't read the r.a.s.f.w.r.j newsgroup that often, it maintains our sanity.All that said, I enjoyed this volume even though the ending everyone here had been raving about was rather short and VERY non-descriptive. Sure a momentous event occurs, but the Aes Sedai vs. Forsaken battles are skipped over! "Cyndane approached the Aes Sedai and began to weave the flows..." Then it jumps somewhere else and you never get to read about the One Power battle! Mucho annoying. You only get the aftermath, and that was even quite abbreviated.On the plus side, several plot mysteries are unraveled, such as the identity of Osangar, the Taim=Demandred issue, and who Cyndane is. (OK, She's back, now where's Moiraine?) Mat finally meets the Dot9M's. And the next book should ROCK due to Rand's success at his project in this book.

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