File Size: 2178 KB
Print Length: 288 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (July 23, 2007)
Publication Date: July 23, 2007
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #452,791 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #16 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Accounting > Governmental #48 in Books > Business & Money > Accounting > Governmental #342 in Books > Business & Money > Accounting > Managerial
I bought this book to help me study for a Governmental Accounting class final. I wish I had the book the entire semester. It's a well written, concise book that boils down the intricate details of governmental accounting that is presented in text books into the more manageable and understandable essentials. It must have helped, because I ended up receiving an "A" in the course.
Not a bad book for a beginning Governmental accounting book. I had no true "accounting" background when I started my job with a government agency, but had done bookkeeping for other businesses using just basics and common sense. It was definately different. This book helps guide you through all the different aspects of governmental accounting. It's very dry reading, but very imformative. You can actually find what you are looking for in the index and go right there and get the info you need quickly. I do recommend it to anyone getting in that type of accounting
I purchased this book because I was taking a Governmental Accounting class online & the required text was awful! I needed some immediate help, and my instructor was no help so (as usual!), I turned to .The title of this book says it all. The author explains the very difficult concepts of governmental accounting very clearly. It is easy to decipher what the funds are and how they inter-relate. This book is very well written and follows a logical, sequencial path. I never would have passed my class without this book!
Government accounting i.e. fund accounting is not only a scam but a nightmare, however, this book breaks it down to the core so it's a great companion to anyone either taking a governmental accounting course or someone needing to understand what the heck is going on in bizzaro world on the fly.About 2 years ago I wrote a review on another book (Accounting for Governmental & Nonprofit Entities 14th Edition - Wilson, Kattelus, Reck) which was a total nightmare but this book helped me survive the course with the only A in the class. The book breaks the fund system down into fund categories and how they interrelate with each each other through cycles (how assets, inflows, outflows, and other transactions are presented, recorded, and accounted for in all stages)Good road-map for this accounting mess
I needed a detailed explanation of government accounting in preparation for a civil service exam. I have very little governmental accounting experience and the last class taken on this subject was approx. 30 years ago. The author provides you with the background of governmental accounting, basics of the accounting concepts, fund accounting, financials, reporting entities and other topics. I had many "ah ha" moments as I read this book. I am happy to report that I got an 86 on the test.
I'm not sure where he gets the "easy," but it did help. Unfortunately for me, my governmental accounting professor wrote the textbook AND writes the governmental questions for the CPA exam, so asking her to clarify anything doesn't really work. It helped to have things explained in different terms, but I would not call this easy. HOWEVER, that being said, I would recommend this book to anyone studying for the CPA exam who did not take a governmental accounting class.
Although this is a good book, it was not what I was looking for. I was looking for information and examples on journal entries and the composition of financial statements, but it did not help me at all. This book contained the same information as my textbook and I could have saved the additional money I spent on this book.
I cannot speak highly enough about this book. I used it to transition my career from non profit accounting to Government Accounting when I accepted a position at a County division as Chief Fiscal Officer. It is a clear, concise book that gives you a good foundation for Government Accounting. I have purchased 2 copies, one for myself and one for new accountants that I have hired into my department. It is a great reference book.
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