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How To Open Your Own In-Home Bookkeeping Service 3rd Edition
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If you have ever thought about starting your own bookkeeping or accounting service, this book, in its third edition written by Julie A. Mucha-Aydlott, CFE will give you valuable insight with all of the tools you will need. Not only will it answer the uncertain questions that you have, it will provide you with information that you didn't even consider such as: What are your bookkeeping responsibilities? Do you need to be certified? Do you need errors and omissions insurance? What are bookkeeping rates? How do you find clients? Should you prepare your clients tax returns? How do you create a bookkeeping business plan? How long will it take you to find clients? How do you protect your work with internal controls? What forms and reports do you need to provide? How much bookkeeping do you need to provide? Should you prepare taxes? Plus so much more!This updated edition includes: Where to begin - Writing your business plan start up costs business licensing certification and training organization type insurance accounting software office equipment customizable checklist Bookkeeping services and going rates - Types of services pricing structure getting paid business types quotes and engagement agreements Sales and marketing trends - Networking and contacts selling your services joining organizations marketing websites Google secrets and tricks online freelancing testing your marketing Bookkeeping instructions - Setting up a new client accounts payable accounts receivable payroll bank reconciliations financial reports audit preparation work in progress training and consulting budgeting year-end accounting - record keeping sample reports Preparing tax returns - New government regulations where to start tax schools and training preparing your own return preparing clients tax returns Common questions - Mistakes and other concerns questions from actual bookkeepers Bookkeeping accountability - Fraud allegations internal control system certified internal control auditor Forms and resources - The third edition also includes customizable forms, spreadsheets and applications to start your bookkeeping business today. The hard copy book include a CD and the Kindle Edition includes instructions on where to download your digital files. The forms included are: a business plan - sample start-up budget - start-up checklist - business cash flow projection - start-up monthly budget - bookkeeper resume - AIPB information Quote Sheet evaluation form - proposal letter - bookkeeping services list - engagement agreements - new client checklist - accounting work in progress form - time sheet - client monthly checklist - client year-end checklist - journal entry form - collection letters - non-compete agreement - sales letters - bank reconciliation template - compilation report - termination of services agreement - transfer of files letter IRS forms - Excel spreadsheets and budgets - QuickBooks sample company. With over 9,000 copies of the previous editions sold world wide, "How to open Your Own In-Home Bookkeeping Service 3rd Edition" is the most complete guide that will teach you how to open your own bookkeeping service.

File Size: 1823 KB

Print Length: 272 pages

Publisher: San Diego Business Accounting Solutions; Third Edition edition (December 12, 2011)

Publication Date: December 12, 2011

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #328,216 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #30 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Entrepreneurship & Small Business > Bookkeeping #143 in Books > Business & Money > Accounting > Bookkeeping #521 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Entrepreneurship & Small Business > Home-Based

I am an accounting student and recently became a single mom. I purchased the second edition looking for some insight and help starting my own bookkeeping business to make ends meet. I found a lot of helpful advice and forms to get me started. The third edition is packed with even more forms. She gives advice on everything from what kind of printer to buy, important certifications, where to get help when you need it, and monthly check lists. She even supplies sample letters to get you started. This book gave me the confidence I needed to start a new career. It is a must have for anyone dreaming of owning their own bookkeeping business.

If you are looking for Bookkeeping 101 this book isn't for you, but if you are thinking of becoming a bookkeeping entrepreneur this is the best book I have found.It focuses on the business of bookkeeping in a very practical manner and was obviously written by someone "who has been there and done that".

This book is the step-by-step plan I was looking for to start my own bookkeeping business. Mrs. Aydlott does an excellent job of presenting information she would have like to have had when she was starting her own businesses. She also does a good job of laying out what your skill level needs to be before starting and emphasizing the need to offer only those skills you have mastered. In my case, it made me realize I need more hands-on experience before attemping to freelance my services. Mrs. Aydlott's book, likely saved me making the mistake of starting before I am truly ready. The author shows you what is involved in starting your bookkeeping business from the business plan to selling your business when you're ready to move on. I highly recommend this book for anyone wondering what it takes to open their own bookkeeping business or those ready to hang out their shingle.Mrs. Aydlott's book comes highly recommended by her peers. In my research, I have joined a few professional bookkeepers groups on LinkedIn. When I asked for advice, this book was mentioned immediately. Fortunately, I'd already purchased it.As a side note: I've read reviews of other bookkeeping business books where purchasers have complained that the books weren't detailed enough about bookkeeping. Just in case the title isn't clear enough, this is NOT a book to teach you HOW to do bookkeeping, although there is a helpful guide for setting up client accounts. This book teaches you what you need to know to open your own business AFTER you have bookkeeping skills.Thank you, Mrs. Adylott. This book is now part of my bookkeeping reference shelf.

Julie wrote a great book that will guide you through everything you need to know to take your skills and start making money for yourself instead of for someone else. No one ever gets rich working for an employer (unless you're one of the bigwigs at HP or something), but as Julie explains, you will make a good living if you really try to work for your clients instead of working for the money. The book does NOT come with a CD and when emailing Julie for the download coupon code (so that you get the forms for free with the book) you need to give her your order details.

I've been in bookkeeping for many years now, and when my partner and I wanted to start our own business we started out well. After a year I found this book and it has been immensely helpful. We have the skills down pretty solid regarding our professional skills. But, we hadn't even thought about E&O insurance, and thanks to this resource. I had never seen an engagement letter for bookkeeping before, but we had one for taxes.Initially I borrowed this book through the Kindle Owners Lending Library, and that was great. However I kept refering back it it so much I finally just ordered a copy.Thank you Julie!

I'm not done reading it yet, but very informative, makes you think about things you otherwise wouldn't. There is a contact for the author which I used. When I contacted her via email, she replied quickly, was very informative and very nice. How many books can you get and be able to contact the author? That's a huge plus for me.

This book is very easy to read, very informative and provides a lot of great resources. The forms she offers with the book are great tools to get the documents you need started. Just in the first 4 chapters I read, I had learned so much more information than what I found researching the Internet. I recommend this book to anyone trying to get their own bookkerping business started. Two thumbs up.

This book arrived on time in perfect condition and will be used in the future to guide me with starting a home-based business. I checked a early edition of this book out at the local library and figured I would just purchase an edition for myself. Very useful book and very easy to read.

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