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Debt Free For Life: The Ultimate Guide To Get Out Of Debt (FREE Bonuses Included) (Debt, Debt Free, Debt Free Forever, Debt Free For Life, Debt Free For Good, Debt Management, Get Out Of Debt)
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Second edition from: 02/27/2015A book that will teach you how to get out of debt and will help you stay that way forever!* * *With two free bonuses at the end of the book* * *We all want to have the fine things in life. We want a good life, live in good neighborhoods, take our kids to the best schools, and do a lot of other things but one thing about all this is that there is money involved. It is just the sad truth that everything has a price tag. Well, everyone wants to have money and afford all these things but when the money is not available, the logical thing that would happen is that they should just cut their losses and forget about it altogether. However, things are different in the modern world because we can always get what we cannot pay for, at least upfront, thanks to debt. Although borrowing is pretty much an old tradition that has helped scores of people solve countless problems, the problem with borrowing is not really in what is borrowed but the reason for borrowing.For instance, if you are borrowing for investment, this is considered a good thing, at least if it is within limits. However, borrowing for consumption is never a good thing. As much as this is pretty straight forward, we have been convinced by our credit system and our materialistic society that we can borrow for literally everything. In any case, it is your money because you will ultimately pay it, right? Well, this is true but when you take up debt after debt and increase the figures as time goes on, it definitely reaches a point when you can no longer handle the situation. This is the breaking point for many people around the world. This definitely results in stress and more debt in a bid to get out of the trap but the truth is that this hardly happens. It only takes a few years before you cannot take it anymore, in which case, bankruptcy becomes your only option. You don’t have to take this route. You can learn how to get out of debt and stay debt free for good.This book will teach you everything you need to know about getting out of debt. You will no longer be thinking "How do I repay my debts?" or "How do I manage my money better?".Here is a small preview of what you'll discover inside...Common negative money management habits and solutions to themA budget creating processDifferent budgeting appsWays to minimize your expensesDebt repayment methodsDebt repayment calculators - Very valuableTips (That will help you stay debt free for life!)FREE Bonuses!And more...Look at what other readers are saying..."If you are looking for ways to get out of debt, then this book is a good one to start." - By Elliott, posted on .com"If you will start using these tips and strategies which the author teaches, then I have no doubt that you will be getting out of debt in no time." - By MS, posted on .com"Started getting the first results from this book." - By Raiden Steven "XY Sim", posted on .comSo, what are you waiting for? Download "Debt Free for Life" today and get two FREE BONUSES!There is a lot to learn so let’s get started!Related searches: Debt, Debt Free, Debt Free Forever, Debt Free for Life, Debt Free for Good, Debt Management, Get Out of Debt

File Size: 969 KB

Print Length: 39 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: October 28, 2014

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #105,687 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #2 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Law > Business > Consumer Law #3 in Books > Law > Business > Consumer Law #4 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Accounting > Governmental

A wise man once told me "wise people earn interest, foolish people pay interest". I confess that I have lived most of my 80 years on the foolish side of this equation. How I wish two things: that I had known this sooner, and that I would have had the strength of purpose to carry it through. Now, because of a couple of fortunate circumstances, I am debt free. I have department store and gasoline company credit cards, all of which are paid off in full prior to the due date. I pay no interest and no late fees on them, ever. In addition, my wife and I annualized all our bills that might be normally paid monthly, like utilities, insurance, and so forth. Each month we pay into our savings account the amount we would have paid for all these accounts so that the next January we can do it all again. Living debt free is absolutely wonderful, and the pathway to that status is laid out clearly and simply in this book. Indebtedness can be like alcohol to an alcoholic, but just as the slavery of alcoholism CAN be overcome, the same is true, and just as a recovered alcoholic speaks of how wonderful being free feels, the debt free person has that same glow. If you have ANY debt right now, start the ideas in this book TODAY, it will change your life.

I like the fact that this author spoke from experience, rather than from others experiences. She was actually very heavily in debt and got it figured out how to get out and remain out of debt and compiled a lot of good information. She identified the many bad spending habits that gets people into debt. Evaluate how you spend all of your money and where you can cut back. She points out the many area's that we all waste money. She encourages spending disciplines so one knows what they need (not want) and how to budget for it. A lot budgeting idea's were given. Strategies for paying down debts was discussed. Determine a schedule to follow for paying off debt. Find a way to budget in saving for your future. And AFTER your debt is manageable, then you can stay on the right path to being debt free and she shows you how.

This book is great. It gives you common-sense steps to go forward with getting yourself out of debt. This is good for anyone who's struggling to be honest with themselves about the amount of debt they've gotten themselves into.

Great book! If you are looking for ways to get out of debt ,then this book is a good one to start. It is easy to understand and well written. I am happy with this purchased. Highly recommended!

This book is a great reference for anyone struggling with debt, just about everyone I know. I love the textbook format, which is easy to read with clearly highlighted sections in each chapter, also nicely outlined in the contents. I've been in debt for longer than I care to admit, and my way of dealing with it was avoidance. If you can't see it, it's not there, right? When it comes to creating a budget I'm the world's biggest procrastinator. I'd rather have a root canal than sit down and prepare my budget, and consolidate, much less face, all of my outstanding payments, which are mostly for medical expenses, although I went through credit cards like toilet paper about 20 years ago. I finally bit the bullet and checked my credit score. Bout what I expected, but was NOT ready to face the reasons my score is that number. This book has some great free links for budget spreadsheets and other references to help your financial situation. It even has a free You Tube video of a financial expert (don't wanna ruin it for anyone) packed full of more education and advice. One thing the author of this work said really resonated with me: as far as big purchases, put it off for a month, and if you've forgotten about it, you don't need it. If I had done that when I was younger, I would be in a much more stable financial situation. I highly recommend this book for anyone who's trying to get out of debt, as well as anyone who is currently secure but wants to avoid debt. Great help, easy to follow, and lots of places to bookmark, as well as links to download helpful files. Get it!!I received this product at a discounted rate for my honest review. If this helped anyone out there please check yes. Thanks.

This is a short, but right to the point guide for those who need to to get control of their finances.The tips in this book are are very practical, so if you follow them systematically it will really help with debt situation.Being in debt makes people feel helpless, but It's not so terrible situation when you have a plan and take action one step at a time.I think that anybody in a debt situation can benefit from this book.

What I love about this book is it’s effective simplicity; being able to help me appreciate sound financial concepts that I have been countering for years but was just brushing off my shoulder. Those years of not wanting to face the financial crisis my family was heading to, has led me almost to the brink of bankruptcy!This book, while is not a magic pill that promises to solve all your debt problems, will enlightened you about key concepts that perhaps you were not even aware of before. It is straight to the point and easy to understand; and most importantly, has highly applicable strategies with attainable results about saving money, growing your equity, and creating wealth that will ultimately help you become debt free.I highly recommend you check out this book like I did, especially if you feel your boat is sinking; do yourself a favor, act now and fix it! Add this book to your repertoire of financial knowledge and take control of your life.

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