File Size: 2108 KB
Print Length: 49 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: April 23, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #35,672 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Accounting > CPA #3 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Education & Teaching > Test Preparation > Careers #8 in Books > Computers & Technology > Software > Quickbooks
Well-written, clear explanations and follow-along examples. This book breaks down a complex task - becoming proficient at Quickbooks - into logical, bite-sized chunks. This book is very in depth when learning the software. I know I will use it in the future, reading it from front to back, or looking up certain areas as reference. I understand the complaint of the other reviewer about the font being a little hard to see. I can read it but someone that's a little hard of seeing might not be able to read it as well. I think they put a lot of knowledge in this already thick book, so I' assuming that's why the font is small. The grey font is for contrast and they might not have much options for a black and white publication. I think they put a lot of time into writing this book, and being very in depth, I think it deserves a good review.
Great introduction to Quickbooks. Explained the software in a clear and easy to understand language. Although this was short for my liking, I’d say the author did address the most common questions any newbie would have about this groundbreaking tool. With this, you won’t need to have exemplary accounting skills to sustain the profitability of your business. This manual should make bookkeeping easy for any entrepreneur - recommended!
I have used QuickBooks for years and years (if pressed, I literally could not even tell you when I first began relying on it). I always thought it it was fairly intuitive (of course, it has had a few quirks and glitches through the years). And, I'll be honest, when I saw this doorstop, I thought it was absolute overkill. Then, I started flipping through it. As it turns out, I have not been using QuickBooks to its fullest. I have already begun tinkering!!These chapters are wonderfully, logically organized. If one has a single question, the answer is abundantly easy to locate. Likewise, this has been intensely edited. It is jargon-free and ANY layperson can follow these clear, explicit instructions.I could imagine this manual priced considerably higher. In my opinion, this is a bargain.Nearly anyone who relies on QuickBooks will find a new gem in here.Incredibly, highly recommended!
This guidebook is fantastic and well written. Here the author has described about Quickbooks techniques. Actually, I had a huge interest to learn more about bookkeeping and online Quickbooks, for that's why I purchased this book last week. My close friend suggested me about this book and this book is really helpful.This book guided me about how to optimize my bookkeeping process and maximize my business. By the help of this book I have learned about the fundamentals of Quickbooks. Inside of this book I have found a clear idea of a basic tracker spreadsheet idea. The author of this book has done an amazing job and he described each point very clearly and here I have also found step by step instructions. Overall, this book is useful and I am glad to read this book, will definitely suggest his book to my all closer.
As I was reading this book it seems like QuickBooks is what I needed for me to run my own business. It has an instruction on how to get started. Aside from that it has an app where you can connect to your own QuickBooks software. What I like about it is you can keep track of your sales, and record transactions. Aside from that it is easy to use, it is time saving as you can do faster transactions and it is cost effective. Running your own business is tough but this book has helped me a lot how to make it easier.
I do not think this pamphlet (I can't call it a book) would be useful to a new, an intermediate (which I consider myself) or an advanced QuickBooks user. It's written in vague generalities, lacking specific steps useful to new users. I also did not see anything relevant to optimizing use of QB, which is what I think intermediate and advanced users would expect.
A great and profound book to maximize the profitability of your business! The book contains a series of instructions to guide your way into the efficient way to keep track of your official records or in other words, it's for the bookkeeping of your business--just like the title says. This has been written with great care from the choice of words to the synthesis of fundamentals. Not will it just make your job a lot easier but it will also help you improve some of your skills in making productive measures. It's happy to think that from a 99c book, you could get all these great stuff (and points) which really saves a lot compared to hiring an assistant to do all the job. This one's more of a hands-on-experience for you to actually get to know your business a lot better. This has been one of my most worthwhile purchases and reads!
I love Quickbooks! I have now been using the program for our small manufacturing business. It was seamless and I was so happy to see much of the familiar processes. It is fast, resourceful, reliable and I love being able to get specifics on financial reports and building them for my needs.
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