File Size: 1543 KB
Print Length: 148 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1536930482
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: July 20, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #70,317 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #3 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Entrepreneurship & Small Business > Bookkeeping #11 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Education & Reference > Business Law #21 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Law > Business
This has been a long but a very informative read. The book has explained so much about how one will be able to start an LLC. As the title said, Quickstart Beginner's Guide to Limited Liability Companies, this book is indeed a newbies friendly one. I don't have any idea about LLC before and reading this book has surely educated me. The topics were clearly explained, each leading to the bigger of what LLC is all about, and a sure comprehension too. One topic that has taught me much is the one on the difference between an LLC and a corporation. But then, the ones on "How to run an LLC using the Operating Agreement" is also an enlightenment for me. Overall, this book is a great reference for anything and everything LLC.
Limited liability companies are the go-to form of incorporating for those who would like to start a company without having to worry about their personal assets being repossessed if they fail to pay creditors. I see the importance in further understanding a limited liability company for it does not protect its owners and operators from all forms of debt collection and judgements. I found this book very informative and I could use all the learning I got here for future purposes.
Are you thinking of starting your own business? Do you want to learn by just reading a book on what are the do's and don'ts when it comes to limited liability companies?I am thinking of putting up a business that will help me in paying bills. I saw this book and tried to read it and it has given me enough information and strategies that will help me put my own business. Not only this book give you guidelines but this easy to understand and very informative book that will guide you through and through until you fully achieve your goal.
I got this book because I look up businesses in our area and see "LLC" in their titles all the time, and I have always wondered what, exactly, and LLC is. I mean, I understand that LLC stands for Limited Liability Company, but beyond that I have no clue what the difference is between them and everyone else.This book taught me many many things and is great for those who are specifically interested in starting an LLC. It gives you an overview on what it is, the types of LLC there are, etc., along with ways to raise capital in order to start one, the main benefits of having an LLC versus other kinds of businesses, things one should avoid, how to come up with a great name for your LLC, how to do accounting and bookkeeping effectively, and a lot more.
It was a great read! Since I majored in Accountancy, I have digested all the information the author wants to communicate with its readers. This book is worth my time.As what the title says, Limited Liability Company, is a kind of a business that limits your liability to your creditors and investors. This is the perfect guide for beginners who wants to put up this kind of company. It has the basics of an LLC - from forming it up in the process of dissolution. The contents were clear and precise. You'll learn a lot and gain confidence after reading this. I love how the author explains the different stages of LLC and how it compares it to other types of businesses. I highly recommend this book to everyone! This is a great book!
I was in the market to find some more information on the benefits of incorporating my business because I was looking for a good way to take liability off of my own personal assets. I searched for a while on and couldnt find the solution that I was looking for. About two days into the searching process, I came across this book. This book has been such a help to learn the process of filling for an LLC and describing the specific benefits of incorporating as an LLC. No that I have read this book, I am more confident that I am keeping more of my money because of the tax flow through nature of an LLC. This book has been a huge help for me and I know everyone else interested in this topic will gain from it as well.
For business minded people who wants to have a start up company this book is for you, The book mentions everything you need to do when forming an LLC where the most important benefit for the members is they will not worry that their personal properties can be seized or possessed by creditors. Unlike shareholders in a corporation, LLCs are not taxed as a separate business entity. LLC members report profits and losses on their personal federal tax returns, just like the owners of a partnership would.Perfect book for entrepreneurs.
This book is very Informative to provide you basic knowledge of accounting, rules to record your transaction, balance sheet preparation and business is a different entity then the businessman.It has lots of good information if you are not familiar with different accounting processes. When you finish this book, you should have a basic understanding of the structure and processes involved with forming an limited liability company and what steps you should take next. If you are planning to own a small business, I really suggest this book to have basic knowledge of accounting.
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