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You Wouldn't Want To Be In Alexander The Great's Army!: Miles You'd Rather Not March
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This fun and interesting, interactive series will enthrall young readers by making them a part of the story. Readers will become the main character and can revel in the gory, dark, horrific side of life throughout important moments in history. Humorous Handy Hints that relate directly to the text are provided on each spread. You (the reader) are an English gentleman eager to join a group of settlers planning to start a new colony in the New World. You have heard the tales of previous expeditions and want to get your hands on some of the fabled riches that are found there. As a member of the colony, you will get an insider's look at the history behind some of the previous expeditions, what you pack for the long journey across the Atlantic, how the first few years at Jamestown were difficult because no one knew how to farm, and how the colonists interacted with the native Algonquians. After reading this book there will be no doubt in your mind that this is definitely a settlement you'd rather not start.

Lexile Measure: 910L (What's this?)

Series: You Wouldn't Want To...

Paperback: 32 pages

Publisher: Children's Press(CT) (October 1, 2005)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0531123901

ISBN-13: 978-0531123904

Product Dimensions: 8.2 x 0.1 x 9.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.2 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (5 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #459,186 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #243 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > History > Ancient

Age Range: 8 - 11 years

Grade Level: 3 - 6

I ran across this series at the local library. I'd never heard of it before but I certainly enjoyed this book. It is aimed at 4th - 8th grade, depending on the reading level.The cartoonish characters are fun, the history is accurate, although limited. That's okay, it is intended to be an introduction to the topic, not a graduate thesis. The nice thing about it is that it shows that history is not "boring." It is full of fascinating stories.My only complaint about the book is the map. There is one, in the front. I think there should be one for every topic to show where Alexander is moving his men too now!I would gladly include this book in any 4th-8th grade classroom library.

This is a child's book on Alexander. For a 32 page book, it does a pretty good job covering the Great King's history, with the usual caveats that apply to Alexander (very little actual primary sourcing and the secondary sources are written >150 years after his death).I'm somewhat of an Alexandrophile, and I liked what I saw (although I didn't agree with everything such as not actually mentioning Beucepholos).The pictures were cool, too.All-in-all: Not a bad book at all.

My kids and I normally really enjoy books from this series. Most of them are appealing and brief yet surprisingly fact filled. This title, however, was a disappointment. This book reads a bit like a list of battles, as most two-page spreads are about a different area Alexander conquered. There is some cultural information included in the manner picture boxes around the main text, but I felt that the general flow of the book was hard to follow. The main thing that I disliked about this book was how graphic the illustrations are. It shows people being stabbed and crucified, families (including children) jumping to their deaths to avoid Alexander's army, and in one illustration a cart full of dead bodies. The lighthearted text and cartoonish nature of the illustrations were incongruent with the horrors that they depicted. Part of my dismay stems from the fact that my children are elementary aged, and I felt that the graphic nature of this book was inappropriate. Still, even when they are old enough to understand and absorb this type of information, I hope to find a book that treats the subject matter with more sensitivity rather than being boorish and crass.

This series of books are well designed. The heavy use of pictures with short descriptions are perfect for keeping a child's interest. Just enough information is given with vividly drawn pictures, allowing one to be pulled in and absorbed by the content.My son is 8 and this series totally captivates him! It's a fun book to look at and read through together as well. Quite informative!

Another book that I wish that I had while teaching history. It would make a good starter for pre High School Students who are interested in Al the Great.

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