File Size: 962 KB
Print Length: 21 pages
Publication Date: February 12, 2013
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #48,758 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #5 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > 30 minutes (12-21 pages) > Crafts, Hobbies & Home #25 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Animal Care & Pets > Essays #68 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > 30 minutes (12-21 pages) > Literature & Fiction
I love stories about dogs and how they can teach us about unconditional love. I loved the ending most of all. However, a word of caution is necessary. I cried during some of it. It's just amazing how much we can learn about life from dogs if we would just open our hearts and our minds to it.
Often when we help another, the benefits we receive are greater than the help we gave. In this short story, one grieving woman's action was not only instrumental in her own healing, but also helped another heal. Heartwarming and inspirational.
Being a dog lover and having recently lost my mom, this story really spoke to me although I started crying at about the second paragraph. A dog can truly be man's or woman's best friend and visa versa. I do believe that dogs really understand loss and they also instinctively know when you are trying to help them. This is a story of loss, death, grief but also about recovery, albeit recovery is a series of baby steps which was beautifully told in this story. I gave this story 5 stars even though this hit a bit too close to home as I too have been saved by my dog during this last year of my own struggle with grief.
Wonderful and very moving. I enjoyed immensely , bringing back memories of my own golden retriever, who, I lost way too early. It speaks of the great bond between pets and their humans.
I am so happy that I found this short story .It is really sad but awesome. It remind us that life goes on when we feel that we lost everything.I had tears in my eyes as I read this well-written story.I couldn't put it down until I had finished it . The only thing I did not like about is that it is too short. One sweet dog and one grieving women have something in common , they both lost loved ones ,so bound together to go on.Very sweet and touching.I really recommend this book especially if you an animal lover.
I figured it was a dog story and that I would like it. I was right. Based on the blurb (and before I saw the length), I thought a romance would develop between Faye and the widower. I was wrong. And I'm so glad I was. A romance in this case would have ruined the story. It's never easy to lose someone or something that is in your heart. We all deal with loss in our own way, and one way is not necessarily better than another. We need a certain amount of time to grieve, and then a certain amount of time to be able to move on.
Great little story about the love bond that exists between us and one of God's greatest creations - the dog. I've had many of these four-legged angels grace my life and understand their great capacity for unconditional love and friendship.I do think the story would be improved by showing the reader what is taking place rather than just telling us. However, it was a sweet read.
Faye lost her daughter, Charlotte, along with Charlotte's dog, Murphy. At the cemetery she regularly meets Mr. McKnight and his dog, Frost. Got a coffee break coming up? Read this somewhat sad, but hopeful very short story to see what happens.
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