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3 Great Prehistoric World Novels: Boxed Set
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This volume contains three prominent novels, describing life of our prehistoric ancestors in a dangerous and savage world:IN THE MORNING OF TIME by Charles G.D. RobertsBEFORE ADAM by Jack LondonTHE STORY OF AB by Stanley Waterloo

File Size: 1195 KB

Print Length: 532 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Oriole Publishing (June 28, 2014)

Publication Date: June 28, 2014

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #188,953 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #4 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Historical Fiction > Prehistory #30 in Books > Children's Books > Literature & Fiction > Historical Fiction > Prehistory #633 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Genre Fiction > Anthologies

All three books are old sifi written before 1920.Book one (In the Morning of Time)--Starts with dino's goes to early man then to the main story. Grom the cave man is very intelligent for a cave man. He's harnesses fire discovers the bow and arrow and helps his tribe. Along with Ay-a his -mate, Brar the chief, and others you can follow their adventures. Books has Saber-tooths, cave bears, cave lions and many other pre-historic beasts. The Author's writing style reminded me a lot of my favorite childhood author "Edgar Rice Burroughs" creator of Tarzan. (5 stars)Book two ( Before Adam) --The first two chapters the Author tries to explain his dreams it was way to dragged out I skimmed over them. After that the story starts. We find the dreams are actually his life or former life living in prehistoric times (3 stars)Book three (The story of Ab) The title says it all starts with Ab as a baby and goes through his life. The authors goes a little overboard with explaining the cave men's appearance and way of life but all and all not to bad of a story. (3 stars)

The first book was hard to get past the first few chapters.. To much retoric about the dinasours pre-human. Over written.. The human story line was good once it started,, Book two was good from start to finish.. The third was hard to keep track of as the author bounced back and forth between then and now. At least the now being the era of its writing. He was constantly trying to explain the past to the current reader... Not very enjoyable.

Why is this not a movie ? I cant put it down . The author is great at describing animals I've never seen or heard of . My new fire 5th gen was made for this . I can enlarge the type making it easy to read . I recommend this book with a passion . I hope I can find more like this

#1 - IN THE MORNING OF TIME by Charles G.D. Roberts - three stars#2 - BEFORE ADAM by Jack London - 4 stars#3 - THE STORY OF AB by Stanley Waterloo - zero starsStory #1 kinda started off slow with the dinosaur battles but picked up and got quite interesting and entertaining with the third chapter. Once the story picked up steam it barreled along picking up speed as one was whisked into a tale of deadly wild animals at every turn, bow-legs, a tribe of what I took to be neanderthals that aimed to wipe out Grom the cave mans tribe, finding fire, and the story just steamrolled faster and faster and faster until . . .BANG! THE END!Just like that right in the middle of a big chase. Wham Bam thank you mam - hit a brick wall at 150 miles an hour - wreck, smash, burn, and die!Story #2 was the best of the lot. I only wish that it (the dreams) had gone a little further to flesh out a more tolerable ending. It seemed incomplete and died with a whimper instead of a BANG (see story #1).Story #3 wasn't even tolerable. I did a lot of serious skimming. Prehistoric cave man British aristocracy on the Thames. I expected at any minute to read about high tea complete with servants pouring tea and serving crumpets. Skip this one altogether.

3 Great Prehistoric World Novels1 - In the Morning of Time by Sir Charles G. D. Roberts2 - Before Adam by Jack London3 - The Story of Ab by Stanley WaterlooThe Story of Ab is well, a story of a cave man. That's it. It's probably more exciting if you read this at age 10 or so, but still, it's a silly, dumb and quick read. Ab makes friends, war, weapons, finds a wife, battles cave men, and that's about it. Done.Stanley Waterloo wrote it in 1897. He also wrote "Armageddon: A Tale of Love, War, and Invention (1898), The Wolf's Long Howl (1899) and The Launching of a Man (1899).The Story of Ab: A Tale of the Time of the Cave Man is a bit famous because Stanley Waterloo brought a lawsuit against Jack London, for a story he wrote called, "Before Adam" (1906). Apparently Stanley Waterloo thought no one else could write about cave men or Hominidae.Also recommended:The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. AuelOne Million Years B.C. (1966)Trog (1970)Quest for Fire (1982)The Clan of the Cave Bear (1986)Iceman (1984)

I am not very knowledgeble about the various very first dinasours so when the author gave their scientific names I could not picture which one was being described. I never found a story to learn from, to me it was more like a school class discussion of prehistoric times. The 2nd story told by Jack London was also unusual. The first half of his story told of his childhood where he had nightmares about living as a 'first man'. After he had explained his feeling of having lived in prehistoric times his part of this book did become more interesting. The 3rd author held my attention because in his story his characters became 'people' you could identify with and get involved in the day to day lives of these 'first men'. Experience the discoveries made and the influences weapons like a bow and arrows made a major advancement in the actual race of man. It was interesting and informative. That one I was sorry to end and I do hope this author will write more books in the future and develop a series. I usually rate the books I read as 5 stars (and even wish that some could be given a still higher rating) but I could not honestly go higher than a 3 on this collection. . Sorry... I enjoy reading about prehistoric humans so when offered this 3 stories in one edition I was looking forward to hours of reading enjoyment. But for me it just didn't 'happen' and I was disappointed. Louise Mustain 4-28-2016

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