Pamphlet: 6 pages
Publisher: Barcharts Inc; Lam Crds edition (April 1, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1572229225
ISBN-13: 978-1572229228
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 11 x 0.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 0.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars See all reviews (61 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #5,632 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #2 in Books > Science & Math > Mathematics > Pure Mathematics > Algebra > Abstract #3 in Books > Science & Math > Mathematics > Pure Mathematics > Algebra > Linear #4 in Books > Science & Math > Mathematics > Pure Mathematics > Algebra > Intermediate
I bought all of the algebra quickstudy cards and though they're helpful reference, I never sat down and read them as I'd intended, and it would probably be pretty rare that I'd look something up on one because though the content is broken down into sections with clear headers, the print is small and it's still pretty hard to find anything. (Plus I wouldn't necessarily know what topic to look under.) So if you are the type of person that might first read all the way through this so that you remember what's included and roughly where it is, then it would probably serve as a valuable reference, otherwise it will probably just sit around and gather dust like mine did.If you do decide to buy one, start with just one and see what you think. Buying all of them seemed like a good idea at the time but made me even less likely to sit down and read them, just because it was a daunting, extremely dull task.
this is a very very helpful tool when you are trying to remember algebra again. all the little rules to remember are right there. no thumbing through the book
My son loves these quick study/class aids. I like that they are pre-punched and have a coating for them. My son likes them because they are very handy and he can usually find items he is looking for without having to flip through a text book. I don't know much about .... gasp!... Algebra ! Now, I don't have to, as long as I have this handy "whip it out card"... I recommend it to anyone who struggles with Algebra like I do. And if your in a hurry, you get it fast from .com
perfect for my kids they are in middle and high school and after the summer need a refresher before school starts this gives them the basic information they need before class starts then if they still need to refer to it while in school it is perfect
I have a 14yr old that I home school and he is having trouble with Math. These charts are very detailed and self explanatory and I would encourage anyone struggling in Math to try these out. They really do help. The cost is very low and they deliver very very quickly!
Great for review of algebraic formulas. Covers Graphing, Lines, Types of Functions, Sequence and Series along with Conic Sections. Offers Problem Solving examples too. Great for brushing up on higher level Algebra.
These study guides are the best thing ever invented. There is so much to learn and these are great little reminders of the most important parts of any subject. I buy them for every class the kids take!
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