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Noel (Angel Paws Holiday Book 2)
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Lost and stranded during a Christmas Eve blizzard . . . not how Anna imagined starting her holiday. Noel, a Great Pyrenees, didn’t mean to leave her flock in the middle of the night, but something seems awry and it’s her job to protect the farm. The big dog’s investigation leads her through a snow storm, right to a young mother and her infant daughter in a broken down car on a deserted country road. No threat after all. Noel starts for home. That is, until the desperate and freezing woman calls her back: this mysterious white dog may be her and her baby’s only hope for survival. Stories in the Angel Paws and Angel Paws Holiday series celebrate the unique bond between canines and humans with heartfelt, moving, and insightful tales for anyone who has ever loved a dog.

File Size: 721 KB

Print Length: 22 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Short Stuff Press (October 3, 2013)

Publication Date: October 3, 2013

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #46,859 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #13 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > 45 minutes (22-32 pages) > Crafts, Hobbies & Home #23 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Animal Care & Pets > Essays #47 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Pets & Animal Care > Essays

I love a good dog story and Noel, an all business Great Pyrenees guardian fits that model.Noel was born on Christmas day and is the last of a line of long time family dogs who've served the farm. Her instincts care for the animals and people on the farm, plus she accomplishes a moving rescue on Christmas Eve in the midst of an enormous blizzard. I sort of expected a little more 'connection' between the characters, but then this was a story about Noel and her sense of responsibility for anyone and anything in need. I love the way Noel thinks..she has a sort of dry humor in her.This story will intrigue kids, but it doesn't talk down to them. If you have a Great Pyrenees at your house or if you have known one of these sweet, serious dogs, you will enjoy Noel and relate to the heroic, sensitive qualities that you know in your friend.A quick pleasure read that won't do you wrong!

Wonderful short story. This was amazing especially for a short story. I don't want to give the story away but if I ever get a dog.I would want my dog to be like this to strangers. Excellent story, I have more books from this author and I can't wait to start reading them. Now I have another great author to add to my list of favorite authors. Thank you so much for a beautiful story!!!

As an "aunt" to a Great Pyrenees Noel was very real to me. Jordan spins a wonderful tale with just the right amount of description. I could feel the snowstorm around me. I honestly wish it were longer...maybe with a touch of romance.

This was a great short story I guessed early on that the dog was a Great Pyrenees as she was in the barn with the stock. What she did may seem like a fairy tale but exactly what a dog of her genetic background would do. There are some other livestock breeds that will rescue a human, one they have never seen before. Yes, they are to protect stock but that spills over to humans in need. I have known two Great Pyrenees , each were raised to over a year of age in a very unlikely environment, one as an indoor -outdoor pet in the city, the other in a small chain link run. Each ended up on a small ranch with sheep, chickens, llamas, horses and mules. They were automatically good with the variety of animals.; Plus in short order were patrolling the ranch perimeter. The neighbor was so impressed they went and bought two Pyrenees puppies as they had lost stock to coyotes and poultry to bobcats. A most enjoyable read.

Noel is in the barn with all the farm animals. That's where she belongs. Keeping watch. Making certain each animal stays put and is safe.But Noel hears something. A noise carried on the wind of a terrible storm. The sound of a motor. Only Peter hadn't started the motor tonight.Noel is torn. Her job is to stay with the animals, but she senses that something is wrong out there in the blowing snow. Even the gelding and the goats seem to know something is wrong. Okay. The animals are safe so Noel will see what is not right. She has to be certain that whatever it is won't trouble or threaten the animals under her watch.What was it that alerted Noel and some of the other animals? Once Noel discovers the problem, will it be something she can help resolve? Will she even want to help? She doesn't like strangers.I was a little disappointed with this story. Most of the Angel Paws stories I have read so far have been "feel good, warm, fuzzy" stories. This one didn't hit me that way at all. There just wasn't any connection between Noel and the people: she was totally focused on her job for the animals. She didn't even have much connection with Peter, and he owned her! She had never even been in the house: she was determined to stay with the animals.I wouldn't go so far as to say that the story was cold, but it surely was not warm and fuzzy. However, quite a few reviewers liked this story, and they say this is definitely the way this breed of dogs acts. That may very well be true, but when I read an Angel Paws story, I am looking for (and expecting to find) a story with a connection between the people and animals. That seems even more obvious when it is a holiday story. SO while this was a nice little story, it just wasn't what I wanted or expected.

My dearest Lucie, a Great Pyranees, is still in my heart like she was sleeping at my feet today, and she died 15 years ago. I got her from the local Humane Shelter ( a crazy woman told her vet to put her down because the woman's collie "didn't get along with" the Great Pyr) I had Lucie for 11 years, and every page of "Noel" made me think of her. Noble, warm, sweet, She rescued 2 kids from falling off a bridge, another one from walking into a huge walk-in fireplace at a winter lodge in the northwoods. She had no "rescue" training, and like Noel, had only the instinct to protect sheep or other farm animals in her care, and sh was never on a farm to even meet, smell, or touch such animals! Yet, like Noel, she sensed trouble, especially in these 2 instances when there were children in danger, and she blocked the kids' access to the bridge, and in the other, she head-butted the little boy, causing him to sit down, and then she sat on his feet, until his negligent mother suddenly heard the boy crying and she came running. It took several witnesses' explanations to convince her that Lucie did not "attack" her son, but had, rather, saved his life! I love Noel, too! She saved this young mother and her baby with no "rescue" training, only the instinct to guard her animals, primarily sheep, who are often introduced in the actual Pyrranees Mountains to Great Pyrs when the pups are not even fully weaned. The pups are (or were, 25 years ago) nursed by a mother sheep along with her lamb, making the dog/sheep bond even closer. Yet my Lucie, just like Noel, sensed a frail human in danger, in extraordinary circumstances, and left the farm animals and saved 2 human lives. Too bad "Noel" wasn't a 300-page book full of Noel stories! The writing style was sort of folksy, but the subject went well with that. I loved it.

Noel (Angel Paws Holiday Book 2) Christmas Spirit (Angel Paws Holiday Book 3) Thanksgiving Night (Angel Paws Holiday Book 1) Delicious Holiday Treats: A Collection of Healthy Holiday Recipes (Dessert Recipes, Holiday, Seasonal, Desserts, Thanksgiving Recipes, Christmas Recipes) (Volume 1) Jim Shore Angel Coloring Book: 50+ Glorious Folk Art Angel Designs for Inspirational Coloring Pastorale and Noel for Flute (Violin) and Organ (Harpsichord, Piano) Humorists: From Hogarth to Noel Coward A Nostalgic Noel: Cane Creek/Bittersweet/A Christmas Gift of Love/Honor of the Big Snows (Inspirational Christmas Romance Collection) Teach Me Joyeux Noel: Learning Songs and Traditions in French The Angel Bible: The Definitive Guide to Angel Wisdom Phil Cross: Gypsy Joker to a Hells Angel: From a Joker to an Angel Angel and Faith Season 10 Volume 5: A Tale of Two Families (Angel & Faith) Holiday Kisses and Valentine Wishes: A Fabulous Feel Good Holiday Romance (Christmas Love on Kissing Bridge Mountain Book 2) Gary Patterson's Paws n Claws 2017 Wall Calendar Paws to Consider: Choosing the Right Dog for You and Your Family Forever Paws Pawmistry: How to Read Your Cat's Paws Geronimo Stilton: Books 4-6: #4: I'm Too Fond of My Fur; #5: Four Mice Deep in the Jungle; #6: Paws Off, Cheddarface! (Geronimo Stilton (2 in 1 Audio)) Paws of Courage: True Tales of Heroic Dogs that Protect and Serve Paws Off the Pearl! (Geronimo Stilton Cavemice #12)