File Size: 2186 KB
Print Length: 66 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Family Friendly Fiction (January 19, 2016)
Publication Date: January 19, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #51,680 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #78 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Collections & Anthologies #90 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Christian > Collections & Anthologies #379 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Christian > Romance > Contemporary
How Susette Williams can get me so involved with her characters in such a short novella (only takes about an hour to read)... I'll never know. Don't pass up this part of a delightful series. (Each stands well on its own.)
When I began to read Spring Break I thought it would be a light, cute story, but this story had some meat/substance to it.What if all you dreamed of comes to you, but not exactly like you hope or prayed for. Kelly was Marc's dream girl, but he let the dream of what he thought he wanted interfere with what God wanted for him. Kelly was beautiful and amazing, what she had to overcome instilled a compassion in her to love those that some considered unlovable. But also to fully trust God no matter what happens, because He always has a great plan for your life.I received this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.
This is an emotional clean Christian story. Kelly Sanders has a dark and painful past that holds some sad secrets. She has a love for children and works with orphaned children. Marc Stevenson comes from a Christian home and long line of firefighters. When a rescue at the orphanage brings Kelly and Marc together, there are sparks between them. What happens when a future dream is extinguished? Will this be the end to their relationship or will God open a new door? Disclosure: I received an e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts, opinions, and ratings are my own.
When Marc and Kelly first met there were definite sparks, then they hit brick wall. I loved seeing Marc work through things to finally realize that Kelly was definitely the right one. I also loved the character of Annie, who was a delight. This was a wonderful story. I would definitely recommend this book.I received a digital copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest opinion.
Another great story by Susette. The tension in the story revolves around having biological children. She can't and he wants them. Can he come to terms with it??? I loved the way the story line was handled. Great sensitivity and with lots of love. Highly recommend this story. I received a copy in exchange for an honest review.
Spring Break by Susette WilliamsHere is a sweet short story about Kelly Sanders, a volunteer orphanage worker who’s past tragedy has left permanent scars; and Marc Stevenson, the firefighter who can rescue Kelly from a tree, but who refuses to rescue her heart from the pain of the past despite the magnetism that draws them together. Unknown to both of them is a mischief making orphan, who has plans to rescue them and their future!This is the first story I’ve read by Susette Williams. It was a ‘short story’ and though enjoyable, it left me wanting more details of the happily ever after ending. Perhaps Ms. Williams will update this sweet read with a full-detail version in the future.So I read this story in the Love Blossom set of Christian, springtime, romance stories. Check out my reviews for the seven authors included in the set at• Kimberly Rae Jordan A Handful of Flowers• Narelle Atkins The Bridesmaid’s Hero• Autumn Macarthur A Lesson in Love• Lynette Sowell Spring at the Barncastle• Jan Thompson Walk You There• Marion Ueckermann A Match for Magnolia• Susette Williams Spring BreakI did receive an advanced reader copy of this set in exchange for my honest review.
I really enjoyed reading this Inspiritional romance novella where love isn't tied up in a neat package. Kelly has had to learn to deal with her past before she came to God. Marc has to learn to deal with Kelly's past. Annie is just the little spunky girl to hep them. I recommend this novella and author, Susette Williams.
I liked the couple in book 3. Kelly was first introduced to us in book 1 and has a lot of pain in her back story. Because of the length that past of Kelly's never was explored. As a reader I would have liked to experience that along with her and felt because we just hear of it as a past tense we don't get involved with her as I would have liked.Marc is a wonderful, traditional family man. He is also a fireman, which speaks for itself but again he has mixed feelings when a secret Kelly has locked inside her comes out. What's worse is the full extent of her secret is revealed by Katie from book 1. It is never addressed. I mean Marc does not bring it up with Kelly and does this 180 wanting marriage.The couple have a falling out and avoid each other and than like I said he switches his whole opinion leaving even you as a reader thinking really without talking about her past. I mean it is a heavy past not this minor thing. I really felt that if your going to touch on such a heavy topic that it needed to be taken deeper than what it was. This book like the other are Christian based and I think the author wanted to keep it light but there is that fine line that has to be thought of. Keeping things light is fine but you also need to include your readers in the experiences of your characters to sell the story. To help your audience understand and sympathize with this couple it just could have been a better story if I could have been taken deeper. Stories are not always beautiful unfortunately but it would have had a greater impact to go from the dark into the light. Enjoy!
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