Lexile Measure: 700 (What's this?)
Series: North America's Forgotten Past Series
Mass Market Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Starscape (May 25, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0765359863
ISBN-13: 978-0765359865
Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 0.9 x 7.7 inches
Shipping Weight: 8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars See all reviews (66 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #435,207 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #42 in Books > Children's Books > Literature & Fiction > Historical Fiction > Prehistory #8599 in Books > Children's Books > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Fantasy & Magic #11147 in Books > Children's Books > Action & Adventure
Age Range: 9 - 12 years
Grade Level: 5 - 7
I have not read the other books by these authors. This is their first children's book-geared toward middle school age children.I found the book to be interesting and a fast read. At times, I was concerned that the violence and apocalytic themes would not be suitable for middle school children. By the time I was done reading the novel, however, I felt that it would be ok for my middle school age child to read. I felt that the violence was much less than what is on the news every night or what she reads in the paper, and similar in violence to many of the disney movies. For people concerned about whether it is appropriate for their child, I would encouarge you to read it first. Because it deals with different cultures and spiritual beliefs (I think it is most like native indian culture) the book talks about things that some people may not agree with like "dreaming", which is like having psychic premonitions, and spirit guides. I personally don't have a problem with this and like for my children to be exposed to different beliefs and cultures but recognize that other parents would find this objectionable.I really like that the main character is a girl and that she is portrayed as strong, capable, and a leader.Not knowing any of the history behind this book, I can not speak as to the accuracy. However, the authors are well regarded. I liked the brief history that is presented in the front of the book before the story as well as after the story. The story itself was written in a way that it was easy to imagine the characters, the landscape, and the struggle of the people. I would enjoy reading more books by these authors.I will update this review after my daughter reads the book.UPDATE 8/1/09: My 12 year old daughter loved this book.
I really like the Native American series of books produced my the Gears. They are very informative and good story telling as well.This book is their first effort at a childrens story, so there needs to be two evaluations - the book itself, and its suitability for children.First, the book. The story will be pretty familiar to anyone who has read the First American series. Basically, it evolves around Twig, who is becoming a singer (Shaman); how she discovers she is sensitive to the spirits of the native american tradition, and how she embarks on her spirit journey. Along with this is the tale of a natural disaster (predicted by the spirits), and the tribal warfare that is typical of these books. I found the story to be very readable, and the language was at the level that a child would understand easily, from about fourth grade on up.Now, as to its suitability for kids. The Gears have left out many of the graphic descriptions of sex, violence, and death that accompany most of their books. However, the book still contains violence, mainly implied rather than described. I realize the difficulty here; the pre-columbian American world was a place of violence, and the authors want the reader to be aware of the nature of the world. Making this into a children's book without sugar coating everything is difficult. In general it was OK, except that in one instance a child is actually killed, rather than being described as killed, if one can make that distinction. Apart from that one section (and perhaps the reader could omit that if the book was being read aloud), I would say that the book might be enjoyed by kids 10 and older.
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