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Prentice-Hall Mathematics: Algebra 2
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Prentice Hall Mathematics offers comprehensive math content coverage, introduces basic mathematics concepts and skills, and provides numerous opportunities to access basic skills along with abundant remediation and intervention activities.

Hardcover: 998 pages

Publisher: Prentice-Hall; 1 edition (May 2004)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 013062568X

ISBN-13: 978-0130625687

Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 1.6 x 10.6 inches

Shipping Weight: 5.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (29 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #32,489 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #13 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > Math > Algebra #17 in Books > Teens > Education & Reference > Mathematics > Algebra #33 in Books > Textbooks > Education > Secondary Education

Age Range: 12 - 18 years

Grade Level: 8 - 11

A clearly written text explaining Algebra 2 that I have to loan my students to use at home for explanations of concepts during the course and also a reference source for higher math courses, precalculus and calculus.

The text is well organized with lots of examples and exercises.A video accompaniment can also be purchased on .

About the content of this book, It is similar to the same series Algebra 1, of course, this one is harder. Prentice-Hall's Algebra 1 & 2 are relatively good book for students.

My son has this book in school. I am very unhappy with the answer key for the review questions at end of each module. They don't give answers for most of the questions. So your student will not be able to check his answer. The teacher requires him to "show his work," so checking the answer is not cheating. A better answer key, that gave an answer for each question, would let the kid go back and find the step where he made a mistake.

It serves its purpose. Bought it to help a high school student and it comes in handy. I can look over the actual material that she's doing and be able to help her more than ever. Thank you for a great product.

This is a replacement for my son's lost textbook that the school would've charged me $80 for. Thankfully, I found it here for almost nothing!

I LOVE MATH!!!! (No, I really do) This textbook was actually for my little sister. I'm sure she enjoyed her class and aced it! I did see her put it to good use. Now it serves as a reminder that she was in the class.

It was in great condition. I saved a lot of money by not having to buy it from the publisher.

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