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Holt McDougal Larson Pre-Algebra: Student Edition 2012
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Larson Pre-Algebra

Series: Holt McDougal Larson Pre-Algebra

Hardcover: 1000 pages

Publisher: HOLT MCDOUGAL; 1 edition (January 6, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0547587775

ISBN-13: 978-0547587776

Product Dimensions: 1.5 x 8.8 x 10.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 5 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (42 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #70,859 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #23 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > Math > Algebra #43 in Books > Teens > Education & Reference > Mathematics > Algebra #193 in Books > Textbooks > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Algebra & Trigonometry

Age Range: 12 - 13 years

Grade Level: 7 - 9

I bought this text for my daughter who homeschools and is in 7th grade. I know it will be a little challenging but she would like to take Algebra as an 8th grader. I have looked at many companies and haven't found a single one that does such a great job of setting the lessons up and putting everything into units. At the beginning of a lesson, there are 3-5 examples of the new information. Then there are 7-15 guided practice problems (we do these together). Then what I think is genius, the remaining 20-40 problems apply what concept was taught to many aspects of everyday life (charts, graphs, word problems, etc.). This helps real-world application take place which for me, as a kid, never happened with texts like Saxon. After the main lesson, there are 5-15 review problems of previous concepts so the skills aren't lost. Then if desired, the student can do the standardized problems if they are preparing for the state tests. Mixed throughout the units are mid-ch quizes and a test after each chapter. They are also mini lessons you can do that explain how to use a graphing calculator and other concepts. I am so glad I found such a great company and text for my daughter. We also looked at the Course 2 and 3 texts by Holt McDougal and they have the same setup. The only thing was then my daughter wouldn't be able to take Algebra in 8th grade. The Course 2 is for 7th graders and is a good text if your child is average (not lower or excellent). The course 3 is for 8th graders who will take Pre-Algebra as a 9th grader. The same concepts as in both the Course 3 and Pre-Algebra books with the exception of a little more trig and geometry in the end of the Pre-Algebra book. If we don't get to the end of the book this year, that won't be a big deal because rarely do regular school finish a text in 1 year. She will always cover geometry and trig later.

I bought the teachers edition to go with the text for my daughter who homeschools and is in 7th grade. I know it will be a little challenging but she would like to take Algebra as an 8th grader. I have looked at many companies and haven't found a single one that does such a great job of setting the lessons up and putting everything into units. At the beginning of a lesson, there are 3-5 examples of the new information. Then there are 7-15 guided practice problems (we do these together). Then what I think is genius, the remaining 20-40 problems apply what concept was taught to many aspects of everyday life (charts, graphs, word problems, etc.). This helps real-world application take place which for me, as a kid, never happened with texts like Saxon. After the main lesson, there are 5-15 review problems of previous concepts so the skills aren't lost. Then if desired, the student can do the standardized problems if they are preparing for the state tests. Mixed throughout the units are mid-ch quizes and a test after each chapter. They are also mini lessons you can do that explain how to use a graphing calculator and other concepts. I am so glad I found such a great company and text for my daughter. We also looked at the Course 2 and 3 texts by Holt McDougal and they have the same setup. The only thing was then my daughter wouldn't be able to take Algebra in 8th grade. The Course 2 is for 7th graders and is a good text if your child is average (not lower or excellent). The course 3 is for 8th graders who will take Pre-Algebra as a 9th grader. The same concepts as in both the Course 3 and Pre-Algebra books with the exception of a little more trig and geometry in the end of the Pre-Algebra book. If we don't get to the end of the book this year, that won't be a big deal because rarely do regular schools finish a text in 1 year. She will always cover geometry and trig later.

I am very happy with the book rental for my daughter. The book is in good condition and even though it had the name of the previous person or owner written in marker on the side of the pages it didn't interfere with the content. Would rent it again!

I bought this book to have at home to help my daughter with her homework and study for tests. It has good examples.

Initially I was sent wrong book, I was sent Algebra 2 book instead of Algebra 1 book. I reported this to and they/seller immediately communicated their apologies, refunded my money and said that they do not know how this happened. I did not have to return Algebra 2 book, as they told me to keep it. Seller from said they no longer had book but later I looked and found it and sent it out to me. I'm very happy that my son now can have his Algebra 1 book and not depend on borrowing the teacher's extra copies. Thank you.

Really well written and planned math book. Lots of excellent examples both during the course of the chapter and then for the review sections.

I have never loved algebra more than after I used this book.

Will be used by my daughter at school but it is very well structured and attractive that she is already browsing through it even being on vacation.

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