File Size: 709 KB
Print Length: 20 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Short Stuff Press (September 10, 2013)
Publication Date: September 10, 2013
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #25,412 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #2 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > 30 minutes (12-21 pages) > Crafts, Hobbies & Home #7 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Animal Care & Pets > Essays #16 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Pets & Animal Care > Essays
An Angel Paws Holiday shorty!Jordan has done it again with another sweet heart smiling quick read!With a moniker of Navrátil Noční Obloha, one would think this would be a name for only the most highest graduate of the K9 academy right? Well such is not the case for Night the german shepherd. He flunked out of doggy school. Never fear though, there is a human daddy that loves him just the same and wants to give him a home. Night has barely been living with the family when daddy has to go into military duty. The family is so sad because this means a long time without dad and they will miss. Thanksgiving is upon the family so they go visit relatives for the holiday and come home later that night. The street lights are out and there is a strange van across the street. When they get in the house mom realizes there is a burglar inside. Oh no... Night is a K9 school drop out... what does he do???Grab this short little Angel Paws book to find out.
Michelle is facing a Thanksgiving without her husband, Jacob, who is on deployment in the Middle East. Luckily she still has her two sons, a cat, and a young German Shepherd, Night, to keep her company until his return, although she worries that the frisky dog may be too much for her to handle.This short story is a reminder of how much pets, especially dogs, bond with their human families and illustrates how loyalty, trust, and protectiveness goes both ways between pet and owners. They aren't just pets, they become members of the family. Beautifully told without being overly maudlin or sappy.Recommended for all animal lovers.
Thanksgiving Night is a short, but great book. I have a German Sheppard, so I love any stories that have them in it.The writer made it seem as if I was right there with the family. It seemed as if they were real. It could have been an article I read in a magazine that was a true story it felt so real to me.Even if you don't like to read stories about dogs, I would highly recommend reading this book. I got a good feeling after reading it.This is the first story I've read by this author, Jordan Taylor. I will be looking for more by this author.
Thanksgiving Night was a great short story. I thoroughly enjoyed it though I wish it wasn't a short story. You are sure to feel safe when you know you have a four legged friend there to protect you.For all you dog lovers enjoy this short but wonderful; tale of this courageous dog.
I love these stories! This was really nice and i enjoyed it alot. I love the way Night acted and protected his family. Ms Taylor is a wonderful storyteller and all the books i have read so far by her have been great! i will keep getting her stories knowing i will be reading a good story before i ever even open the pages! The dogs are always wonderful and act so good! Its nice to have animal heros!
I enjoyed this story very much. The author captures the character of the German Shepherd hero very well. She portrays what it's like to live with a young, strong-willed working dog who is sweet and playful with his family and relentlessly capable of defending them should the need arise.Oh, I also liked the heroine of the story, the soldier's wife struggling to raise her two young sons alone while her husband is off serving his country. It is a fluidly written portrayal of a military family's life.I will be reading more of this author's stories.
I loved this story! Night, a huge black German Shepard was dropped out of the military K-9 program He was adopted by a loving family,he became a great protector, loving family dog, and a hero! This dog made me smile throughout the whole story, I love dog stories!
Could be my own fault for buying a "short story", but this one was just way TOO SHORT. It didn't even delve into the personality of the dog so you could fall in love with him. Not worth the couple of bucks, in my opinion.
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