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Focus On LinkedIn: Create A Personal Brand On LinkedIn To Make More Money, Generate Leads And Find Employment (Business Professional Series Book 7)
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Dramatically Increase The Amount of Clients, Income, and Career Potential.Discover The Secrets of Writing Better, More Powerful LinkedIn Profiles That Will Attract More Connections, Job Offers, Higher Paying Clients, and Leads for Your Business.Are you worried you aren’t advancing fast enough in your career? Worried that you might be leaving money on the table? Are you stuck in a boring, unrewarding job? Or would you prefer to have job opportunities and business leads come to YOU, offering to employ YOU or pay YOU money, by learning to write your own LinkedIn profile that attracts the right people directly to your inbox? I have been where you are today. I worked in unsatisfying jobs for employers that didn’t care and wouldn’t reward good and competent service. I remained in jobs for years, sending out thousands of resumes, hoping that someone would recognize my value. What pulled me through was lots of study, specialized training, and practice. More importantly, I believed in myself and the value I could provide to employers and customers for my products and services. At first, I was happy to find a new client now and then to make some extra money. Later I discovered how to promote myself effectively and those customers started to come to me. Instead of wasting time, day after day, fruitlessly searching, they sent me emails asking, no demanding my services and employment.Inside Focus on LinkedIn, You’ll Discover:* Once you understand the unique importance of LinkedIn, you have found one of the best ways to get employers and clients to come to you. * Increase your qualified leads by targeting your LinkedIn to the right audience * Decrease the time you spend fruitlessly searching for anyone who will buy your products or services, or offer you a position in their company. * Explode the size of your professional network by spending as little as a few hours optimizing your professional brand on LinkedIn * By defining your personal brand and writing an effective message, you can effectively grow a professional network which looks to you for answers. * A well-written LinkedIn profile can lead you to an increase in business or job offers several times the current level * Increase your earnings while reducing the time you spend with unqualified leads and employers. Don’t waste another day begging for clients, being unhappy in your career, or not gaining any real leads. Scroll up and hit Buy now!

File Size: 2313 KB

Print Length: 146 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: The Writing King (March 12, 2016)

Publication Date: March 12, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #74,316 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #35 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Skills > Business Writing #40 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Job Hunting & Careers > Job Hunting #70 in Books > Business & Money > Skills > Business Writing

I was an early adopter of LinkedIn, and have used many of the features of LinkedIn; however I was still able to pick up quite a few helpful hints from Richard Lowe's book. I have encouraged many colleagues to polish their LinkedIn profiles, particularly when working at a company that was bought out and many jobs were being eliminated. I have supplied quite a few professional headshots for former colleagues as well. Lowe emphasizes that it is to be used only for business and professional activities, not to be confused with the social aspects of Facebook and other social sites. He also writes that a LinkedIn profile should be updated frequently by adding experiences and contacts, recommendations, etc. I have known many people who create a profile, then allow it to stagnate until they find themselves once again in the job market. It is my belief that keeping the profile current signifies a person that is savvy and connected and ambitious rather than complacent.There were a few aspects of the book that I felt could be improved:1) occasional grammar and wording errors2) the drawings are rather amateurish and don't render well in the Kindle format and could probably be omitted altogether3) some discussion about how retired people can use the service effectively4) a discussion as to the features and merits of a paid LinkedIn subscription versus the free versionI found it to be a very useful and well organized book that can be read in just over one hour. If you're new to LinkedIn, or if you're looking to maximize the value of this widespread platform in your career, you will find much useful advice in this book. I received a complimentary copy from the author for review.

Wow, this book was like meeting with a consultant on how create your Linkedin profile. The book explains in detail what to include in your summary paragraph, under experience, and how to deal with gaps in work experience. He give examples from a lot of different job fields. Tips on how to utilize the background photograph space are provided, along with, several examples of backgrounds he has created. Business pages are discussed, as well as, LinkedIn etiquette when conversing with others on site. Overall, this is an excellent book that is a lot less expensive than meeting with a consultant!

This is a great resource for anyone who needs a step-by-step guide to using LinkedIn. I'm still a newbie at LinkedIn and have stumbled my way around it for the past couple years, not really understanding its potential. I wish I had read this book a lot sooner. The author has an in-depth understanding of the ins and outs of LinkedIn and provides easy-to-follow explanations of its various features and benefits. Well-written, thorough and practical. You can take the info presented here and use it immediately. Without reservation, 5 stars.

I have been on Linkedin but to honest haven't really done much with this social network. But after reading this book I am inspired and ready to implement some new strategies. This book is full of ideas, tips, resources and examples to best explore Linkedin. It is easy to read and follow with wonderful pictures and drawings. well done and worth your time to read.

Robert Lowe did a superb job detailing and explaining the steps I needed to build an promote my personal brand using this program. As a result of reading this book, I learned about all of the components of my account. I also got a better appreciation of the importance of this program. He provided background information that will help me to integrate the other social media sites I use with my LinkedIn account. The message I took away from this book is that to be successful in developing my brand platform, I need to invest wisely in this endeavor taking full advantage of all of this program's options. The dedication of time will yield positive results.

As a LinkedIn user who hasn't spent a great deal of time maximizing my profile, I find many tips in this book to be helpful. The only thing I would change would be to add more "do this/not that" photos like he did with the profile picture examples. Perhaps that would happen in future editions. Absolutely worth the price and I advise those who do not have a robust LinkedIn profile to purchase this book and begin walking through the steps Richard Lowe Jr has outlined for us.

The author did a thorough job of explaining what LinkedIn truly is and what it is not. I especially liked the emphasis on personal brand and networking as opposed to sales and marketing. A great book that I highly recommend. It will be a resource that I will use again and again.

Richard does a great job of analyzing the professional aspect of LinkedIn with other social platforms. His thoughts and ideologies assist in branding ideas that help individuals think like brands themselves!

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