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How Women Decide: What's True, What's Not, And What Strategies Spark The Best Choices
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So, you’ve earned a seat at the table.What happens next? From confidence gaps to power poses, leaning in to calling bias out, bossypants to girl bosses, women have been hearing a lot of advice lately. Most of this aims at greater success, but very little focuses on a key set of skills that ensures such success — making the wisest, strongest decisions. Every day, in every part of our lives, we face an increasing number of choices. Our futures depend not just on the results, but on how well we handle making these hard choices and the serious scrutiny that comes with them. But is a woman’s experience issuing a tough call any different from a man’s? Absolutely. From start to finish. Men and women approach decisions differently, though not necessarily in the ways we have been led to believe. Stress? It actually makes women more focused. Confidence? A healthy dose of self-questioning leads to much stronger decisions. And despite popular misconceptions, women are just as decisive as men — though they may pay a price for it. So why, then, does a real gap arise after the decision is made? Why are we quick to question a woman’s decisions but inclined to accept a man’s? And why is a man’s reputation as a smart decision-maker cemented after one big call, but a woman is expected to prove herself again and again?How Women Decide delivers lively, engaging stories of real women and their experiences, as well as expert, accessible analysis of what the science has to say. Cognitive psychologist Therese Huston breaks open the myths and opens up the conversation about how we can best shape our habits, perceptions, and strategies, not just to make the most of our own opportunities, but to reshape the culture and bring out the best decisions — regardless of who’s making them.  

Hardcover: 384 pages

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (May 10, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0544416090

ISBN-13: 978-0544416093

Product Dimensions: 6 x 1.3 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (27 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #172,739 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #177 in Books > Business & Money > Women & Business #196 in Books > Medical Books > Psychology > Applied Psychology #404 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Psychology & Counseling > Applied Psychology

I thought this was a good idea and I'm glad that someonewrote the book. Could it be better, probably, but this isa huge subject and there are so many factors involvedin this subject.The biggest obstacle that I think women face in the businessworld in first world countries is that fact that women are propertyin many places in this world, period.How do you get past this issue? It's huge. When half of the populationis considered either consciously and/or subconsciously as "not good enough"then it atlas climbing the mountain with the world on HER shoulders.Reading this book made the fact that what happens to a person on the completeopposite side of the world has a direct affect on so many other people and in thiscase the people are women.I have seen this over and over again. I have predominantly worked in male dominatedcareers all of my life and I can say that I am only stating fact that until the world seeswomen and they way they naturally are as equally valuable to what men offer thisimbalance of power on the face of the planet will continue.Perhaps with more books such as this one scratching the surface and more men andwomen waking up to the fact that the male status quo is not only Not enough, but in manycases is way too much of one thing.The Native Americans were primarily led and governed by women before the invasion ofEuropeans. Women were seen as more long term problem solvers seeing that what everthe solution was must not only be acceptable to the current generations, but to all of thosethat followed.

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