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All-Audio German: Compact Disc Program (All-Audio Courses)
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Speak German Fluently with the Most Complete, Up-to-date All-Audio Course AvailableLEARN GERMAN ON THE GO–LEARN ANYWHEREIf you have trouble finding time to fit in language lessons, All-Audio German is the perfect solution. Developed by the experts at Living Language®, this program is designed for people on the move. You can learn German as you drive, work around the house, or exercise at the gym.SHORT, EASY-TO-FOLLOW LESSONS–NO READING REQUIREDAn English-speaking narrator guides you through 35 short lessons–just listen and repeat after native German speakers. VOCABULARY–GRAMMAR–DIALOGUES–CULTUREBegin with vocabulary and grammar basics before hearing a lively dialogue that includes the most current German idioms and usage. Interactive exercises reinforce what you’ve learned. You’ll also learn some intriguing facts about German customs and culture. HANDY LISTENER’S GUIDE No reading required, but our newly expanded 112-page listener’s guide is a handy visual reference for spelling and text of all the dialogues. The guide also provides a brief grammar summary and a glossary of grammatical terms.Includes:·6 compact discs·Listener’s guide

Series: All-Audio Courses

Audio CD

Publisher: Living Language; Abridged edition (October 29, 2002)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0609811266

ISBN-13: 978-0609811269

Product Dimensions: 6.6 x 2.1 x 8 inches

Shipping Weight: 12.8 ounces

Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (18 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #2,184,159 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #73 in Books > Books on CD > Languages > Language Instruction > German #701 in Books > Textbooks > Humanities > Foreign Languages > German #4370 in Books > Books on CD > General

This was useful to me, but I strongly recommend against it for beginners forimportant reasons. It amazes me that a company so clue-less about what isneeded to learn a language is succeeding at selling these CDs.As some other reviewers have pointed out, the coverage about basicpronunciation is incredibly incomplete and arbitrary. Even the worseclassroom instructor would quickly learn that students need to know all of thebasics, because the students would be asking, "How do I pronounce this?" and"How do I pronounce that?" Living Language must never trouble themselves totest their products with people who don't already know the target language.A beginner may not notice, but anybody with beyond that level will notice inthe very first chapter that (a) the two speakers pronounce German entirelydifferently, and (b) the female's pronunciation is clearly wrong for the majorGerman variants including High German. This woman must have slept her way intothat job, because she can't even speak the second letter of the alphabetcorrectly in German. In German, the letter "B" is in fact NOT pronounced sothat it rhymes with the English "me". She repeats this same mistake over andover for the following letters, and you can easily prove this to yourselfbecause the male narrator pronounces one of the letters correctly right beforeshe pronounces it wrong.The other problem is that the great benefit of the all-audio drills iscounter-acted, and the whole process made frustrating, by ambiguity.

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