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German 3-Level Set: The Complete Language Course (Learn In Your Car)
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Listeners learn pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar of a new language without the need of a textbook. Convenient to use while driving, working out... or anywhere! Includes zippered CD wallet carrying case.

Series: Learn in Your Car

Audio CD

Publisher: Penton Overseas; Package edition (July 2005)

Language: German

ISBN-10: 1591252091

ISBN-13: 978-1591252092

Product Dimensions: 8.7 x 9.1 x 2 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.2 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (27 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,468,351 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #55 in Books > Books on CD > Languages > Language Instruction > German #535 in Books > Textbooks > Humanities > Foreign Languages > German #1622 in Books > Books on CD > Nonfiction

I recently decided to learn German to help me in my business, I travel to Switzerland regularly. This course was the best I've tried to help me learn the language during my daily commute. The format is easy to follow, it leads up to more challenging information with each tape. The tapes must be listened to more than once though, to get the full benefit of the information being given (there is a lot to learn!). The workbooks are very good also, they give more information about verbforms and conjugation rules.

The "Learn in your car" series on languages is the best method I have come across in my attempt to learn a foreign language (short of taking a course). You hear actual pronunciation and don't have to follow along in a book to know what is being said. I current live in Europe and this course on tape really works. It starts with simple vocabulary building and works through all parts of speech and complex sentences. I highly recommend this to anyone tired of reading in a language book how a foreign word should sound. It also allows you to change the balance on your stereo so you only hear the foreign language part, which lets you quiz yourself even more. I have a 45 min drive to work and just playing these tapes back and forth I have a very useful and functional language ability. It easily allows for the repetition required in learning a foreign language.

This CD's helped me immensely, but only after acquiring a sufficient knowledge of the language and vocabulary. Helps tremendously in sentence structure and particularly in evoking the listener to come up with responses based on his/her own vocabulary and then comparing it to the programmed responses.I do not think that it would be easy to start off with these CD's from scratch and hope to learn German from them. Start elsewhere, and then come back to these to give good verbal practice and repetition.

I listen to these C.Ds everyday, usually on my way to work. I can definitely rattle off a lot of helpful phrases. However, if you're looking for true command of the German language, this program is a supplement, not the tool. I now use an online program and a grammar book in addition to the C.Ds and I'm definitely learning faster now.

Wanted to brush up some very old high school german, saw this at the Library of all places and gave it a go. I have a 2 hour commute each day and this has definetly made this time much more productive. Very simple format, easy to catch onto and learn I've found. Found this product to be fairly useful and want to purchase a copy for my own personal use, outstanding product and a lot cheaper here then at the Penton Overseas website.

I'm returning this set. I can't rate the quality of the German language instruction, but the audio quality of the CDs (I've sampled disk 1 and 2) is disappointing. Strong male voice clearly and strongly articulates the English (on left stereo channel), wimpy female voice mutters in monotone the German translation (on the right channel).

I bought this after reading the glowing reviews - I'm afraid I was disappointed. I'm sure it is through and would teach me German - if it didn't send me to sleep first! I'm not sure driving and listening to this at the same time should be allowed. All you hear is very dry and emotionless voices repeating words - a man says the English, then a woman repeats the German word twice. No hints on pronunciation, no cultural advice, no music, no enthusiasm, *nothing* except these two voices. You also need to listen to the tapes over and over again before you start to learn the words. However, I'm sure this would appeal to some people, and it is very through. Personally, I need a little more enthusiasm and joy in my life!

The Complete Language Course is a great tool to learn German on the road or brush off what a person have learned in previous German courses. I drive 2 to 3 hours every day and I hate to waste my time behind the wheel. Now I use this time to improve my German while driving. It works! My German has improved 40% in the last 2 months using the complete Language Course.

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