File Size: 472 KB
Print Length: 202 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher:; 5 edition (July 16, 2014)
Publication Date: July 16, 2014
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #24,929 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #8 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Reference > Words, Language & Grammar > Public Speaking #20 in Books > Reference > Words, Language & Grammar > Public Speaking #20 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Skills > Running Meetings & Presentations
As a university student who has to give presentations almost once a month, this book helped me a great deal. I implemented the techniques suggested by Akash Karia in almost all of my presentations and found they worked really well with my audience. It was an easy read which allowed me to follow it thoroughly. Other books I've come across bore me enough to put me to sleep before I begin my presentation. This however, shortens and simplifies everything for you. It genuinely teaches you how to prepare a talk, enjoy doing it and make it successful. A definite recommendation.
Why can some speakers grab the attention of an audience and keep them spellbound throughout their entire presentation, but most fall flat on their faces and are quickly forgotten?Akash Karia answers this, and many more questions in his terrific new book, How to Deliver the Perfect TED Talk. Akash has captured the best ideas, tools, and processes used by some of the best speakers and presenters in the world. He has distilled them in to a step-by-step, easy-to-read guide that will help you discover, develop, and deliver presentations which help you stand out from the crowd.Actually, the title is slightly misleading in one sense - these ideas aren't limited to TED Talks. They can be used for any type of presentation, whether a 5-minute talk at a networking event, a 20-minute presentation at a local Rotary or Chamber meeting, or a one-hour keynote speech.Although there are dozens of ideas you can immediately implement into your speech, three that jump out right away are:1) Creating an Attention-Grabbing Opening - use these ideas to quickly pull the audience into your speech and make them want to hear more2) Using Statistics to Grab Attention - avoid mistakes most speakers make when they use numbers to bore their audiences3) Offer the Audience Something New - this chapter alone is worth the price of the book, as Akash challenges you to provide your audience with a new point of view or approach to your subject. Audiences desperately want this today.Whether you are a new speaker learning the art of speaking, or a veteran looking for a new perspective, How to Deliver the Perfect TED Talk is a wise investment that can help take your speaking to a higher level.Michael Davis, Speaking CPRCertified World Class Speaking Coach
I do many presentations every week. the format of this book was well organized, and easy to read. Many useful tips that can be applied immediatly to any presenter of all leverls.
I was thinking about writing a book on presentation skills but it looks Like Akash has beaten me too it. I've read a lot of other people's stuff on this topic but gotta say, he's really honed it down to something succinct and readable,and obviously the next step in smart presentation is to work with someone who can coach you in these skills.
I especially appreciate this book (and the other books by Akash Karia) because they make sense to an ordinary person like me who has to do presentations for their job. The language and steps are all well laid out for someone who does not speak at level of those who do the speech circuit, but for someone who is required to do these presentations at the pleasure of management. They were not part of my original job description so I needed a mentor I could relate to and understand. The information relates to any presenter and can benefit any level of speaker. I am pleased with how much better I am doing at it after following these helpful guidelines.
How to Deliver the Perfect TED Talk is packed with practical ideas for delivering ANY presentation well! I will use it and plan to recommend it to all my students!Cathy Bolger,Corporate TrainerPresentation Skills Instructor, San Diego
As an accomplished Toastmaster, and instructor and committee member of TEDxYouth@FortWorth, I can say that this book hits all of key points to developing and delivering a dynamic and memorable TED Talk. A TED Talk is not a high school speech, it is not a business presentation, and it is certainly not bland and impersonal. Speaking at a TED event is about building a deep connection with the audience by tying in personal, relatable experiences and stories to a single core message; this book covers how to do that and more, but with nothing wasted on ineffective or irrelevant (for a TED Talk) speech writing. While not a general speech primer, "How to Deliver the Perfect TED Talk . . ." fulfills its purpose, and is a fantastic supplement for any skilled speaker wanting to step-up to TED.
I was impressed with the range and extent of the very practical techniques and strategies that Akash Karia shares in this book. Through his extensive research he is able to provide lots of clear examples of exactly how to use them which makes a real difference if you are unfamiliar with the techniques. Although it is directed at those preparing to give a TED talk it has step by step processes that can be used by anyone who wants to improve their presenting. Whether you are a presentation novice or a seasoned speaker there is something in this book for you.Cath DaleyPresentation Specialist and Public Speaking Coach.
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