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The Fracking Truth:America's Energy Revolution: America's Energy Revolution: The Inside, Untold Story
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The revolution has already begun. The fracking revolution, that is. The Fracking Truth is a primer on America’s ongoing energy revolution, but it’s also a call to action. The oil and gas industry has failed itself and failed the American public by doing a poor job of educating the public on fracking and related technologies that have created the American energy revolution. Readers will learn about the myths and the truths of the controversial practice of fracking, how the United States is benefitting from the fracking boom, and how fracking can actually help the US and the world achieve climate change goals. The Fracking Truth seeks to bridge the information gap between public perception and an industry that fuels our daily lives, our national economy, and our future. After years of economic devastation and turmoil, the energy boom driven by fracking gives us a second chance at security, prosperity, and global leadership. Let’s hope we get it right.

Hardcover: 192 pages

Publisher: Platform Press; 1st edition (June 15, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0985070374

ISBN-13: 978-0985070373

Product Dimensions: 0.8 x 6.5 x 9.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (30 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #961,504 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #347 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Energy Production & Extraction > Fossil Fuels #421 in Books > Business & Money > Industries > Energy & Mining > Oil & Energy #2283 in Books > Business & Money > Economics > Environmental Economics

This book gets better as the pages go by. Chris Faulkner, who is the founder and CEO of Breitling Oil and Gas out of Dallas, Texas explains in rather simple terms how fracking works, where it is done and why. He's a proponent of this procedure that has been around since the 1940s and which recently has helped increase the US oil and gas production, created jobs and caused the economy in North Dakota to boom.The chapters are short and filled with colorful diagrams and photos. Indeed the layout is quite nice. The paper is magazine quality.I'm only a little skeptical of the negatives about fracking. Faulkner repeatedly calls himself an environmentalist AND a realist in this book, but seems to scoff off deep concerns about fracking causing underground water supplies to be contaminated (his research says it was from leaky water reservoirs or pipes and not from fracking itself), and mentions seismic increases in north Texas and Oklahoma due to fracking as minimal and noticable only close to fracking platforms. With all the fracking that is going on in the eastern range of the Rockies across the Great Plains toward the Great Lakes, seismic activity seems to parallel where fracking is going on. But why would anyone in the oil business discourage more fracking, when fracking has helped so many get high-paying jobs? Fracking is only going to increase and will not be discontinued, Faulkner warns his readers, so we must get used to it.He defends the practice of not disclosing the harmful chemicals that are used in fracking as "trade secrets" but I again disagree here. Since the chemicals do enter the environment and can seep into our water supply and our soil under our homes, we citizens have the right to know what is going on with our natural resources.

The Fracking Truth is a well-written clear book that describes the positive side of fracking. I will not try to recreate Chris Faulkner's arguments; they are well constructed, well reasoned, and incredibly well written. Even though Faulkner makes a case that Gasland is sensationalist and inaccurate, it seems to me this book and Gasland is the perfect pairing. I'm not aware of another film or book that presents the counterpart to Faulkner's argument.July 4, 2016 Update: I can't figure out how to approach this book with the latest events. On June 24, 2016 the SEC filed a lawsuit against Mr. Faulkner and many people in his company. The critical part for this review, according to the suit, Faulkner does not have the education he claimed, and is not nearly the expert on the oil industry, and most importantly fracking. This sheds a totally different light on the book.July 6, 2014 Update: I've thought a bit more about this book. At first I thought this book was more propaganda from the oil industry - Faulkner works in the oil industry, in fact he runs a business that makes a lot of money from fracking - so he has a strong interest in promoting this industry. My positive rating on this book was for the author's clear concise writing and coherent argument - not whether or not I agreed with what he wrote.I've thought more about that issue, and here's how I have to look at the book. I used to work for a major food corporation. I happened to work in Quality and was exposed to a lot about food safety. When there is a food problem, usually a food borne illness and a recall in the news, friends ask me about the problem. There are companies that cut corners and they cause problems.

Chris Faulkner has written a fascinating treatise on fracking in his book "The Fracking Truth: America's Energy Revolution - The Inside, Untold Story."Faulkner's main assumption is that fracking technology provides a means for America to solve its energy problem with less risk and great gain. The United Kingdom has taken the lead in developing regulations to fully develop fracking and Faulkner argues the EPA needs to do the same thing to significantly expand fracking in this country.Chris Faulkner is not an oilman but became part of the industry by designing advanced exploration software that to identify oil resources that would go undetected using traditional means. That resulted in him forming the Breitling Energy Corporation.The author describes "The Fracking Truth" as a primer on the ongoing energy revolution as well as a call to action. Since the 1940s when fracking began in the U.S. the process has yielded more than seven billion barrels of oil, more than 600 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. By fracking with the horizontal drilling approach, America can meet its energy needs without all the fallout predicted by doomsday opponents.When discussing climate change, the author writes: ".... climate change requires us to be clear-headed enough to recognize the potential solution that fracked natural gas offers. In short, if you want to arrest catastrophic climate change, you can't get there from here without an abundant supply of natural gas that comes courtesy of the fracking boom."While we need to be concerned about the large volume of water required for fracking, Faulkner points out that the 2 to 4 million gallons of water required for each fracking job is about the same amount of water a golf course uses in a typical summer month.

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