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Electric Power Industry In Nontechnical Language
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In the second edition of this bestseller, Denise Warkentin-Glenn presents in everyday language the nuances, history, and recent developments of the electric power industry. This new version includes updated information on utilities, merchant plants, rural cooperatives, government entities and more. It also has new chapters covering the 2005 Energy Policy Act, environmental standards, and updates to industry mergers and acquisitions. This important edition gives a comprehensive look at our country's most critical economic driver.Key Features: Impacts of new regulation/ Simple and clear explanations of generation, transmission and governance/ How cleaner fuels and new technology are transforming the industry/ The newest environmental standards

Hardcover: 306 pages

Publisher: PennWell Corp.; 2 edition (March 5, 2006)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1593700679

ISBN-13: 978-1593700676

Product Dimensions: 6.2 x 0.9 x 9.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 3.2 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (8 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #484,207 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #191 in Books > Business & Money > Industries > Energy & Mining > Oil & Energy #772 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Energy Production & Extraction #2223 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Electrical & Electronics

The author does a good job in relaying how US's electrical utilities work and how the deregulation and changing market affects the industry. So far this is the most comprehensive book I have found on the topic to date. However the text could stand to be reworked to become more readable as the author almost struggles to express the technology in layman's terms. The book also suffers from being divided into three parts. It results in some annoying repetition and makes it difficult to use the book as a reference. The author, however, has included a very informative appendix explaining the technical terms plus an appendix with names and addresses of resources. That alone makes the book invaluable for somebody getting into the field.

This is actually a very good book. I've been an electrician in the Navy for about 9 years. After recently getting hired on by a company that is right in the middle of the "deregulation" situation in California. I've been entered into a pretty intensive training program, where we are required to learn about the enire process. In fact it's a pretty dynamic atmosphere, considering what's going on here in Cali. Well if you've never seen an inkling of this information, it's quite a lot to grab at first.This book, does a very good job of laying down industry terms, and explaining them where even someone with no idea of what's going on will have a pretty good picture after completing the book. Another good note to add is that sometimes the topic can have some dry spells, but the book does a good job of keeping the reader awake and interested. The author is well educated and has a good insight on what could become the future of the industry. I recieved the book through my company and in fact it is required reading for us. All in all, I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in, or is new and up and coming in the industry.

Unfortunately, the book starts off with too many simple editing errors and that made me fearful of the accuracy of the remaining text. I returned the book. For example, page 4 (this is the second page of the book after the preface) refers to year 2003 utility expense data listed in a table on the opposite page. However, the table has no data for 2003. The author also confuses millions of dollars with billions of dollars when walking the reader through major utility expenses in this section of the book. That's a big editing oversight in the initial pages. I think this could be a very useful book for someone like myself trying to get an understanding of the electric power industry, but it needs tightening up.

Major editing and grammatical errors throughout (for instance, "ensure" vs. "assure", reporting of numbers that are off by a factor of 1000,) and serious problems with sentence construction.Any grader of high school student papers will be familiar with the technique of paraphrasing a simple cut-and-paste of information freely available on the Internet with the periodic insertion of "[party] maintains that [chunk of website text here.]" This type of information constitutes the majority of the books' contents. Major an difficult technical concepts (such as reactive voltage, or operational considerations) are related / introduced but not explained. Further, a 2007 edition is necessarily seriously outdated, as major structural reforms throughout the industry since the energy policy act of 2005 are far further advanced than they were at the time of writing of the book.Chapters are poorly organized, sometimes mutually redundant, and offer no particular insight into the industry.

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