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The Edge
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Audio CD

Publisher: RecordedBooks (2000)

ISBN-10: 1436180163

ISBN-13: 978-1436180160

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (99 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #13,816,292 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #84 in Books > Books on CD > Authors, A-Z > ( F ) > Francis, Dick

It's time again for My-Every-Other-Review-is-a-Dick-Francis-Review Theater. Okay, if I had to pick three faves from Francis' roster of protagonists, I must roll with Rob Finn (NERVE), Kit Fielding (BREAK IN, BOLT), and Torquil Kelsey (THE EDGE). So let's talk about Tor Kelsey. THE EDGE came out in 1988 and thrilled me to bits. It introduced us to Mr. Kelsey who, true to Francis' hero blueprint, is unassuming and unremarkable looking. He tends to fade into the background. Ah, but he means to do that purposely. See, Tor is an undercover security agent for the Jockey Club, has been for three years now, and his chameleon act is an indispensable knack. What I dig about Tor is that he's independently well-off, came into his sizable inheritance some time ago. He doesn't have to work ever again for the rest of his life. Before this, he'd been mucking around for years, traveling, seeing the world, seeking purpose. He's found it with the Jockey Club, helping put away them nefarious nogoodniks. I love that, always, always, Tor Kelsey feels the need to cultivate that taste for plain bread. He sees with great acuity the peril of succumbing to his wealth.On to the crux of the matter. England's Jockey Club had been forever trying to get the goods on Julius Apollo Filmer, him what's an infamous blackmailer, an expert witness intimidator, a frightener of the first order, and suspected murderer. But Filmer is silky smooth and cautious and slippery, and the Jockey Club would've had more luck picking up a dingleberry by its clean end. When word gets 'round that Filmer had wheedled himself a spot on a highly publicized luxury transcontinental train set to navigate the breadth of the wild Canadian interior, imagine the furor that went down within the Canadian Jockey Club.

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