Audio CD
Publisher: christianaudio; Unabridged edition (April 30, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1633892891
ISBN-13: 978-1633892897
Product Dimensions: 6.4 x 0.6 x 5.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars See all reviews (74 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #980,466 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #67 in Books > Books on CD > Health, Mind & Body > Sexuality #772 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity #1509 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Dating & Relationships
First of all I would like to thank Crossway Publishers and Net Galley for making a review copy of this book available to me, at no cost, in exchange for a review.Jeff Vanderstelt is a former youth Pastor with Willow Creek Church and now a church planting Pastor in Tacoma, Washington. This book is his first and is a description of his spiritual walk and to some degree his spiritual awakening to how the Christian life should be lived and how Discipleship should take place.As the book started I thought it was a bit over the top and I wasn’t sure that I was going to like it very much. In his introduction he states, “Can you imagine every city, every neighborhood, every street, and every house saturated with Jesus’s presence through his people? What if, in every school, every classroom, and every extracurricular activity, students daily experience the person and work of Jesus? And can you dream with me of a day when no business office, retail center, or industrial hub can get away from the good news of Jesus proclaimed in words and expressed in gracious deeds? A day when every café, pub, restaurant, or bakery smells of the aroma of Christ? This is God’s intention for this world. And his plan is to do it through his people.”I thought that was a bit idealistic given how our culture is and how there is such a distain for Christ and His church. So I thought here is another idealistic young person whom needs a reality check! But as I continued on with the book I appreciated his enthusiasm and his concepts.But, as I read more of the book I found that I understood where he was coming from and I found that I agreed with him on more and more points.
This book is about ordinary Christianity being put into practice in everyday life. It is for imperfect people trying to do something good in this world. It is about believers wanting to obey the Word of God. It is about discipleship in simple terms. It is also about putting theory into practice, where theology's rubber hits the road of discipleship. Jeff Vanderstelt, lead pastor of Doxa Church in Bellevue, WA in confessing that he dislikes writing, has decided to publish the book because of a vision in Habbakuk 2:14, "For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea." He believes that it is possible for every believer to practice discipleship in a way that saturates the world they live in with Christ's love and influence. Presenting his idea in four frames of thought, he begins by mentioning the idea of church not as an event or program but a lifestyle of hospitality. People want to be participants and not mere spectators. Opportunities need to be given to such people to contribute. It is better to be a fisherman instead of watching people fish. He goes back to Jesus' willingness to meet people where they are, at weddings, parties, houses, and ordinary places. It is not the religious events that matter but all the ordinary activities through the day. His vision of church is essentially the people of God living together on a mission in everyday living. Church does not end in a Church service on Sunday. It begins on Sunday and Church happens in everyday living through the rest of the week.Part Two is about how Jesus lived it. Instead of going straight into the perfect life of Jesus, Vanderstelt begins with the brokenness of the world as well as a reminder that we are not Jesus. Only Jesus is Jesus. We cannot save the world.
Jeff Vanderstelt’s book Saturate focuses on how we can live our everyday in a way that is saturated with Jesus. He writes about this because Jesus filled lives lead to changed communities. People shouldn't only hear about Jesus, they need to see how his followers live in the world. Jeff asks, “Can you imagine every city, every neighborhood, every street, and every house saturated with Jesus’s presence through his people?” And later he writes, “This vision is Jesus saturation—every man, woman, and child in every place having a daily encounter with Jesus through words spoken and deeds done through his people.” The goal of Saturate is to show us how living as a follower of Jesus in our every day lives will open up the doors for everyday discipleship.I think one of the most intimidating charges from Jesus is to go and make disciples. This sounds like a daunting task where we have to explain to people every detail of theology and tell them every reason why they should believe in Jesus. Instead, it should be a natural occurrence. As we live for Jesus though the work of the spirit, people should notice something different about us. He writes, “Live in such a way that it would demand a ‘Jesus explanation.’ In other words, you wouldn’t be able to explain what you do or why without needing to talk about Jesus.” Living a Jesus saturated life will naturally lead to Jesus being shared with your neighbors. You just can help it.I know that Jeff and the people in his book aren’t perfect people, but they get what it means to be saturated. When they have a problem, when they seem different from the world, or when someone comes to them with a problem the answer is Jesus. Not Jesus in a cheesy way, but in a way that the Gospel of Jesus can change your every day life.
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