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Mya's Big Adventures: Career Day
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"Mya’s Big Adventures: Career Day" tells the story of Mya, an energetic and creative elementary school student who is excited about her class project. Mya takes her readers on an adventure alongside her as she decides on which career will be perfect for her!Colvin, a former teacher and professional photographer, believes that through literature and the arts, children and youth can and will be encouraged to achieve more, and to reach for the stars to achieve their dreams.WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING ABOUT MYA’S BIG ADVENTURE: CAREER DAY! Filled with adorable illustrations, Mya's Big Adventures: Career Day is a perfect book for kids big and small. As an elementary school educator, I cannot wait to read Mya's Big adventures: Career Day aloud to my little ones. Not only does it provide insight on finding what your strengths are but it also features a diverse character that looks like my students which is sure to grab their attention and keep it. TaKiyah Wallace Founder, CEO, Brown Girls Do Ballet, Inc.Sometimes it only takes one person to help you dream and see the possibilities for your future! Tomayia has created this opportunity through her visionary children's book. Mya's Big Adventures is the quintessential book for every child to learn about careers with a no-limits approach! Ms. Colvin uses the most colorful and simplistic dimension of childhood dreaming to allow kids to explore what they may be good at and passionate about in a future career. She allows each and every child to be anything they want to be and DREAM BIG! Sonya M. Sloan, M.D."Mom of 3"Orthopedic Surgeon Founder of ME&WE Inc. First Lady of The Luke"My oldest son is ecstatic about starting Kindergarten this Fall and he was so excited to discuss future career options after reading about Mya’s Career Day Adventures! This book gave him wonderful examples of various careers, and it also made him that much more excited about starting big boy school. Beautiful illustrations and easy to read!"Leah K. Egwuatu fit mom, pre/postnatal fitness expert, GF instructor, and blogger/vlogger.Kudo's on Tomayia Colvin's new book, "Mya's Big Adventure!" This beautiful story inspires children to dream of career success at a young age by doing the things they love. Mya's Big Adventure gets a big thumbs up.Matthew Jordan Smith - Commercial Photographer

File Size: 1675 KB

Print Length: 10 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Sunny Smiles (July 7, 2016)

Publication Date: July 7, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English

ASIN: B01I4P8414

Text-to-Speech: Not enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Not Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #713,017 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #19 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Arts, Music & Photography > Photography #91 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Friendship, Social Skills & School Life > Peer Pressure #137 in Books > Children's Books > Arts, Music & Photography > Photography

Mya's Big Adventures: Career DayThis is a wonderful book and a fantastic way to get children and people of any age to think about and explore photography as a career. I wish I'd had this book when I was growing up and am glad I have it now. Dawn Kirkpatrick, photojournalist/event photographer.

My 7 year old son and I read this book together tonight and he loved it! It was a great conversation starter for us about career choices! Can't wait to tell our friends about this one!-Kim and Kaden M.

Enjoyed reading the book to my son! He loves playing with his camera and the book can help him see a variety of careers to choose from. Really cute for kids... awesome illustrations too!

Congrats to Tomayia on this wonderful book. This book gives children the inspiration they need to be anything they want to be. All parents should buy this book for their children.

Inspiring short story that encourage children to pursue their dreams at an early age. The story shows how a nurturing family builds self confidence to try new adventures.

This is an absolutely amazing book. My kiddos couldn't put it down. Well written and the illustration just pops off the page. I would definitely recommend this to others.

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