File Size: 7381 KB
Print Length: 438 pages
Publisher: Storey Publishing, LLC; 4 edition (June 24, 2010)
Publication Date: June 24, 2010
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #351,609 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #28 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Medical eBooks > Veterinary Medicine > Food Animals #70 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Industries > Agriculture #76 in Books > Medical Books > Veterinary Medicine > Bovine Medicine
I am a writer--in fact, I'm currently writing a sheep book on assignment by Storey Publishing--and I keep sheep, therefore I have a huge personal library of sheep books.Based on my experience, let me say that if you can afford only one sheep book, make it this one! Anything by Carol Ekarius is very, very good and she's done a fantastic job of expanding and updating Paula Simmons' earlier work.Most anything you could want to know about sheep is in Storey's Guide to Raising Sheep and it's nicely organized so you can find the information when you need it.Highly, HIGHLY recommended!
I found this book to be thorough in its content and what you need to know to raise any kind of sheep. Complete span of necessary information for the professional with a large flock, or for those who want to start and raise just a few. Filled with terrific information. I currently have 80 ewes and 4 rams of Barbado. Based on information I gained from this book I will be introducing rams and ewes from two different breeds, to create a blood-line that will be optimal for production in my geography and climate, and on my acreage. I'm looking to eventually have maximum flock size of 280. I am very grateful to the two authors for sharing their knowledge and all this information.
This book is a great book and a must have for getting started in sheep. It covers all the basics and a bit more. It's not as comprehensive as it could be on diseases as I've encountered a lot of issues in my own flock that aren't mentioned in this book and it doesn't give much help in way of treatment (recommended drugs, dosages, etc.). It's also not as through about feeding either. Provides some general information, but doesn't cover how to determine what and how much to feed during the various stages of production for various weights of sheep (a 200 lb ewe requires a lot more feed than a 100 lb ewe). So like I said, it's a very helpful manual for the beginning shepherd, but could be a little more thorough in my opinion.
Lots of detailed information. Did what it was supposed to do: convince me that responsibly caring for sheep is more work than I am really interested in at the moment. But I have it on file for reference should that day arrive that I have too much time, money, and energy--and not enough cute, fluffy pasture animals.This is not a book with lots of romantic color pictures of lambs frolicking in green pastures that will lead you to an impulse purchase you will regret.
This is definitely my go-to and go-back-to guide. Geared toward North America and the wool breeds a bit, but is generally helpful for all kinds of sheep raising in terms of basic care.Not enough meat here on genetics and selection for breeding, but I get the sense that a lot of shepherding knowledge is oral history. I supplement this with regular reading online, in shepherding fora, extension websites and email lists where this book lacks coverage or enough depth in a topic.Highly recommended!
This is a helpful guide for those interested in owning sheep. A great deal of the book is devoted to breeding and lambing, with complete descriptions of various kinds of problems, while another chapter discusses shipping and marketing the meat. There are good illustrations on building various pieces of equipment, such as a hay bunk. There isn't much information on wool production; the focus is mainly on breeding and raising market lambs.
I wish there was a lot more information on feeding. Though he does touch parts of it in the "Pastures, Fence and Facilities" but it doesn't go into a whole lot of details, i still feel like i need to do more research. I also wish the pictures in the "Breeding and Breeds" section was in color but that's just my personal preference. I actually did read the entire book besides the "Showing Sheep" and the information on Rams (i don't plan to own any). But overall i found this book to be fantastic, especially for a noobie as myself. It gave a tun of information without being overwhelmed. I really enjoyed the book.
I live in town and have no aspirations to take up shepherding. However, if you (like me) write fiction, this is a GREAT reference. I found a wealth of easy-to-understand information to enhance the realism of the ancient sheep herder in my next novel. Although my reason for purchasing the book is not exactly mainstream, I enjoyed and highly recommend it.
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