Audio CD
Publisher: Sounds True, Incorporated (February 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1591791456
ISBN-13: 978-1591791454
Product Dimensions: 6.8 x 1 x 6.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 8.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (6 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #682,199 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #19 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > Inspiration #208 in Books > Books on CD > Health, Mind & Body > Meditation #219 in Books > Books on CD > Health, Mind & Body > Relaxation & Meditation
IF YOU ARE among the growing number of Christians who feel drawn to the contemplative journey, this is a series you must listen to. It strips away the mystique and delivers a straight forward, helpful, guide to the contemplative journey. You should find the series to both informing and reassuring. I've listened to it twice and plan to review it on a regular basis. James Finley is one of today's best living authors on the subject of contemplation.IF HOWEVER, you are a Christian just examining the contemplative life, this is not a good book for you. It is not rooted well in Scripture. It blurs Christian and Eastern meditation practices. The author's delivery is monotone and quiet, most likely putting you to sleep. The central texts come from the writings of Thomas Merton. Important statements are delivered with a casual authority that are not backed up by science nor Scripture, leaving the reader to wonder if they are, indeed correct, or just the opinions of Merton and Finley.
An absolute treasure. This is one of the best wisdom recordings I've ever listened to. Right up there with Jack Kornfield, Ram Dass, Alan Watts and Marianne Williamson. I cannot recommend it too highly. It is entertaining, edifying and inspiring. It demands serious attention - it's not light weight - but you will be rewarded for your investment. Get it, listen to it, listen to it again, then share it with your friends.
I listened to this series with a group of people interested in the contemplative journey within the Christian tradition. There were about eight of us, and everyone, without exception, loved it. James Finley is a guide to the essence of the Christian contemplative experience. His presentation style is quiet, intending to evoke the contemplative stance.He speaks with the authority of someone who has been there, done that, not just read about it.
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