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Even The Sun Will Die: An Interview With Eckhart Tolle (Power Of Now Teaching Ser.)
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When Eckhart Tolle agreed to be interviewed on September 11, 2001, he could not foresee the historic nature of this date or the suffering that would follow. As the day's events unfolded, in real time, he responded with a calm and clear voice, helping to make sense out of the fear and chaos that will forever define this date. Even the Sun Will Die documents this historic meeting with Eckhart Tolle and the comforting wisdom he revealed that day. We live in a time, he says, when we define ourselves through our enemies; and science and technology are in the service of human madness. Yet even in the face of disaster, a miracle happens when we say yes to living in this moment and no other. This great opening, he teaches, can serve as nothing less than the beginning of a revolution in human consciousness with the potential to transform our world and everyone in it. Also for the first time on audio, Eckhart Tolle comments on his own awakening, and what he sees as the next step in human evolution. From insights into the way out of suffering, to evidence that a new consciousness is already rising, Even the Sun Will Die confirms Eckhart Tolle's place among the most important and accessible spiritual teachers of our time.

Series: Power of Now Teaching Ser.

Audio CD

Publisher: Sounds True, Incorporated; Unabridged edition (July 1, 2002)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1564559688

ISBN-13: 978-1564559685

Product Dimensions: 5.1 x 0.5 x 5.7 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.2 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (17 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,581,331 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #45 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > Inspiration #2613 in Books > Religion & Spirituality > New Age & Spirituality > Spiritualism #2714 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > General

I read the Power of Now and found it very helpful. I expected to be impressed by this interview but it still vastly exceeded my expectations. Tolle not only went ahead with his planned interview on September 11th but was calm and managed to say very thoughtful things on a day filled with panic for most people. This shows the value of what he has to say. Somehow, hearing his voice and intonations helps to understand what he is trying to convey better than words on a printed page. I recommend this interview highly to those who find value in the "Power of Now." Very moving. I have listened to these CDs many times.

This is a wonderful CD and great opportunity to listen to the spaces between the words - as Tolle teachers us - to the author's own interpretation of his message. Unlike others who have reviewed this item, I have all of Tolle's works and still enjoyed this CD.To those who say it is "hard to follow" I would respond by saying that the fault does not lie in the CD, but elsewhere. To those who say they are put off by the author's voice or speaking mannerisims, I would respond that they should re-read his original work and quit focusing on the shallow forms we humans take and concentrate on the words! Have we come to this - that only good looking/perfect/great sounding people can sell anything? And to those who say the author is only repeating what he said in his origianl book, I repsond, of course! His original book had it all. He has been breaking it down into smaller and smaller pieces at the request of the public, and he has told us this in his previous interviews etc. He has already said that everything we need is in Power of Now, but because we want it in smaller pieces, he is giving it to us - only to get complaints. And for the people who complain that he did not address the 9-11 issue - read the label and listen to the introduction. This issue was addressed in those locations as well as in the message of the text - pay attention!

The mixed reviews do not surprise me. They are an indication that this material is right for someone who has reached a certain point in their development where they are perhaps just at the verge of readiness to surrendering to what IS, rather than trying to control events.I listened to the audio CDs in my car and experienced a sudden shift, a deep understanding, accompanied by lightness and a feeling of expansion, although I had already read the book "The Power of Now". Make no mistake: this is a highly evolved being speaking to you. I understand that it is difficult for a fast-paced culture (like the American) to listen to the silence and laughter and hear the messages in it. This is the point. As to the 9/11 events: how appropriately he addressed this drama. Yes, drama. As it is merely drama that unfolds, but this IS NOT us. We are eternal being caught up in material reality in this incredible drama. Tolle knows how to bring people back to who they REALLY are.

I've listened dozens of times and each time learn something in a deeper way. The fundamental teaching is of course the same as The Power of Now, yet without as much intellectual explanation, but potentially with more depth if the listener is open. At the risk of being judgmental, I'm afraid those who have berated these CD's with one star ratings just have not yet "got it" and I urge them not to give up!

This is indeed a highly evolved being speaking to you.. Don't listen with your mind...beyond the words there is peace...It's a very simple message, but deeply effective only when you LISTEN.Don't be put off by the laughter or the silence. Mr Tolle is talking beyond the words, behind the meanings. The mind wants to label everything and put it into, right/wrong...this/that and it's not the true self.Be there and experience what he is saying...We know the truth anyway in our beings. There is NO ego beyond the mind, or judgement, so any negative view points of this CD, are coming FROM THE MIND!!One day we will all be enlightened, and there will be no more darkness!

I like the cd very much. I had a feeling his observation on 911 would be compassionate. I did not know of what his early days and months were like, a whole lot of space. He had given up much, but that much came with such a price as it always does, and then had next to none. I liked the way he went where ever it took him. Now he is busier than ever and stayng present had to come in a long time ago to see him through. His message is always the same, he just comes in a different door, just like life does.

Being a big fan of Tolle, I was interested in hearing this interview. In it, he reiterates most of his basic ideas with clarity and compassion. His ideas about the potential destructiveness of the ego mindset are highlighted by the backdrop of the 9/11 tragedy, and Tolle's clarity of mind even in such somber circumstances is in vivid contrast to the confusion and anger that many felt surronding that event. Although he does not reveal any new material in this talk, it is a worthwhile reminder of the power of his ideas.

Imagine Eckhart Tolle being fully present and calm while giving this interview on 9/11/2001. I listen to this two cd set over and over and over. The message seems simple enough, but unlearning an eternity of wrong thinking doesn't happen overnight. I highly recommend this program!

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