Audio CD
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio; Abridged edition (November 11, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0743571339
ISBN-13: 978-0743571333
Product Dimensions: 5 x 1.2 x 5.9 inches
Shipping Weight: 8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars See all reviews (125 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #1,542,130 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #43 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > Inspiration #1631 in Books > Books on CD > Health, Mind & Body > Self Help #1637 in Books > Books on CD > Health, Mind & Body > Personal Growth
I have read Tolle, Ernest Holmes, Troward, Emma Curtis Hopkins, Joel Goldsmith, Howard Thurman, OSHO, the bible, Lao Tzu, the Gita, Pema Chodron, Robert Thurman, Course in Miracles, + .This book is THE NEW TEXTBOOK on spiritual principle written in today's vernacular to the NOW consciousness that has awakened through out the planet. Spiritual principle doesn't change, Michael is writing about ancient wisdom to today's audience. The message is LOVE always, gently reminding us that it is our inner work that creates what we see in our "exterior life." Different than Tolle in that Michael stays in absolute principle while giving very practical tools to use in spiritual practice. It's like the Tao Te Ching and Confucius-ism combined!This book stands the test of time.
I wasn't more than 25 pages into Spiritual Liberation before I felt myself unlocking doors to my subconscious and breaking down the barriers of negative thought. Reading Michael Beckwith's words is as easy and refreshing as the crisp air of autumn. As you read, you will find yourself moving deeper in thought, action and deed. Journaling will become more effortless. Simply, you will begin to grow -- easily and effortlessly. No drama. Just opening up.I recommend pairing Spiritual Liberation with Michael Beckwith's Life Visioning CD series. By joining the book together with the visioning process, you will unlock the potential to grow beyond human imagine. It is simply fantastic. Thank you, Michael Beckwith.Life Visioning: A Four-Stage Evolutionary Journey to Live as Divine Love
This is the book we've all been waiting for! I've been listening to Michael Beckwith speak and teach and share this wisdom since 1994 and he has beautifully articulated the strengths of his teaching.It truly does not get any better than this - if you are interested in a book that is both profound, deeper than deep and easy to understand, accessible - THIS IS THE BOOK FOR YOU!My personal opinion is that this book is worth Michael Beckwith's weight in gold - I kid you not.I've never found a better spiritual teacher - I've heard SO many of them and Reverend Dr. Michael Beckwith has truly gifted us with his clarity and insights. Buy this book, study it, celebrate yourself and thank God for everyone that had a hand in putting this book into YOUR hand! No kidding - I really mean it!
It really doesn't matter if you're new to this kind of material or you've spent your life's journey discovering how to dive deeper into the great understanding of what it really means to be awake in life, this book DELIVERS and offers something for everyone. And that's truly the gift of Michael Beckwith...his words, weather spoken or written, make you feel as if he's speaking directly to you. Oh...and the CD that comes with the book? The "SET YOURSELF FREE" talks from Agape? They are permanently lodged into my CD player so no matter what's happening on the 405 freeway, I just "set myself free" and listen to Michael. Read the book with someone you love because you'll have those intimate moments where you look at eachother and you don't have to say "I love you" because you both feel it, but you say it anyway because the material is written with love and compassion. Highly recommended.
This is an incredibly powerful book. Each chapter has an affirmation and reminder of how to live the eternal teachings Rev. Beckwith shares. The last chapter on the Dark Night of the Soul was timely and resonated with what I've been going through for several years. He describes the journey the soul takes for liberation, and shares his own experience throughout the book. The feelings I'd experienced were deeper than despair and depression, although that was part of it. Out of this came compassion, love and surrendering to the peace of the soul so that I may be there for another. This is what Agape's teachings embody, and Michael does it joyfully, powerfully and with inspiration. I highly recommend Spiritual Liberation. It's what we all came for - and here are tools to make it a reality. The rest is up to us. In love and gratitude - Rev. Malika, Center for Spiritual Enlightenment
If you have ever heard Michael Beckwith do a 'talk', then you know exactly what I mean when I say.....The free flowing spirit that comes from his lips when he speaks has been captured into text and placed on the pages of this book. I truly feel lifted as I read the chapters, embodiment and affirmations he has written in his effort and commitment to spreading the awareness of Truth.....the activation of your soul....your true potential.He describes a 'spiritual warrior' as "a person who breaks through inner borders discovering new dimensions of an expanded way of being and is committed to spiritual awakening and courageous enough to make choices based on their commitment."Imagine if we were all 'spiritual warriors'? This is not about religion, it is about love...about recognizing and rediscovering our greatness...our contribution to complete the amazing picture. We each are a piece of the whole.Im not one to 'push' my way of thinking on anyone, but Spiritual Liberation coupled with Life Visioning Process will be under a lot of Christmas trees this year :) Both have had a tremendous impact on my soul.Love
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