Series: Soul Power
Audio CD
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio; Unabridged edition (August 26, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0743576764
ISBN-13: 978-0743576765
Product Dimensions: 5 x 1.7 x 5.9 inches
Shipping Weight: 14.4 ounces
Average Customer Review: 3.4 out of 5 stars See all reviews (204 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #2,352,912 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #58 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > Inspiration #2323 in Books > Books on CD > Health, Mind & Body > Self Help #2334 in Books > Books on CD > Health, Mind & Body > Personal Growth
I happened upon this book in the new release section here on , and sucker that I sometimes am, thought "wow, look at all the 5 star reviews!!" I was amazed that out of 130+ reviews, all were 5 stars, with the exception of 2 or 3. I browsed to see what the table of contents held and decided to bite. My hopes were for something more along the lines or caliber of the Orin & Daben materials, with an Eastern influence. Got my copy a few days ago, and sat for well over an hour reading, and within the first 2 minutes, I began to get this not so uplifting kind of hunch that perhaps the book I was reading was not the same book that got all the 5 star reviews. For one thing the fundamental principles are basic, yet very repetitiously stated, and I found it became very boring in no time. Think: 20 or possibly 30 pages along the metaphorical lines of "if A + B = C, then C = B + A..over and over and over again". THat's just the early portion of the book, so can only guess what the later part contains, honestly. The feeling though was that he was trying to fill the pages to make it appear that there was more info available to the reader than in all actuality there is.Well, I gave it another whirl earlier today, and made my final decision that this book is not what I had wanted or hoped for.Here's the rub: if interested, go to each of the reviews here for this book and click on each individual's "see all my reviews" tab for referencing what other materials these people have reviewed, etc. I won't go on any further except to say I leave it up to each of you to make your own conclusions given a very odd yet obvious pattern as far as the ridiculously large majority of reviewers choices in only reviewing the Dr Zhi material(s)and nothing else. Period.Perhaps there are some valuable things that Dr Zhi truly has shared in this book, but I don't feel there is anything here that warrants purchasing or actually putting into practice on a daily basis.
I cannot believe that anyone would buy into this hocus-pocus. While the author's credentials seem incredible, I did not find this work as a whole credible. The idea that the "Divine" would appear to him while he was teaching a class could be true; however, the idea that the author somehow has these supernatural divine powers that enable him to "download" powers to the reader on certain pages in his book are offensive to our intelligence.His mental downloading of "Soul Language" to the reader is also nonsense, but I have to admit, I did learned how to say 3,396,815 in Chinese. Chanting it over and over faster did not give me any kind of spiritual tongues that the author claimed it would, but it is a useful distraction that could be used in "Mindfulness" meditation. I suggest that those looking for peace and tranquility look into Thich Nhat Hanh's books.The author's "Soul Song "music was not a complete loss. Although I grew tired of hearing his "Farmer in the Dell" like, E-I-E- I-O" lyric, the music was nice.For the most part this book was filled with worthless swill tainted by the author's outlandish claims. After reading so many great self-help books, I found this one boring and not worth the time and effort getting past the author's stupendous claims.If you want to read powerful self-help books, read The Power of Being Different by John Carinci; The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh; Learning from the Heart: Lessons on Living, Loving, and Listening by Daniel Gottieb; Turning the Mind Into an Ally by Sakyon Mipham; The Mindful Way through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness by J. Mark G. Williams; or the wisdom books in the Bible.I am sure I'll get a backlash from cult followers; however, I think it is a safe bet that you can skip this book.
I read the description of this book and really was interested in reading this novel. Yet, I think the description was probably better written and presented than the majority of the novel. I really, really, really didn't 'get' this. I feel like the author's style of writing was the biggest problem. Too many times I found myself lost, thinking I had been re-reading the same pages. Well, it turned out that a lot of the same ideas or concepts were simply being repeated over and over and it took far too long to get to the actual 'meat' of the book.Another problem I had with the novel is that it succumbs to the pitfalls of the 'self help' book: it sounds rather hokey. I think, and based on looking at other reviews, that you'll either get and understand the whole 'soul wisdom' concepts presented or you won't and I unfortunately was in the 'don't get it' group. I couldn't see myself applying most of these suggestions and concepts in my own life or even feeling fully comfortable taking this advice since I felt Zhi Sha was pushing a product, 'soul wisdom', over actual self-help material. I just didn't understand or find myself trusting this book.In conclusion, not very engaging but to each his own. I'd buy it used for sure.
Before purchasing this book, I suggest you thoroughly research this author and his cult. Some of what he says is thought-provoking, but this is the exception in his book. You can easily find what he writes in books by other healers and authors that do not run their operation as a cult. Don't be fooled by the title or the many 5 star reviews, as Dr. Gang Sha has a cult following that have been known to manipulate the launch of this book via multiple 5-star reviews. Read the reviews closely for clues. Good luck on your journey!
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