Audio CD
Publisher: Sounds True, Incorporated; Unabridged edition (April 1, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1591795532
ISBN-13: 978-1591795537
Product Dimensions: 5.4 x 1.1 x 6 inches
Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars See all reviews (82 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #1,073,719 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #31 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > Inspiration #1193 in Books > Books on CD > Health, Mind & Body > Self Help #1193 in Books > Books on CD > Health, Mind & Body > Personal Growth
In the forward of The Diamond In Your Pocket, Eckhart Tolle says that "The words themselves are charged with extraordinary aliveness and transformative power. This is because they have come out of a living realization of the truth, rather than the accumulated knowledge of the mind."The editors preface goes on to say, "As you read these pages, may you discover the absolute sweetness of your own innate being. May you look to where Gangaji is pointing and see what remains perfectly unchanged throughout every shifting circumstance in your life. This pristine sky of limitless awareness is your true refuge, it is love itself, and it is calling to you right now from the depths of your very own heart."Gangaji writes, "This is an invitation into the core of your being. It is not about religion or lack of religion. It is not even about enlightenment or ignorance. It is about the truth of who you are, which is closer and deeper than anything that can be named. In any moment, in a split second, there is the possibility of recognizing the boundless, limitless, eternal divine truth of yourself...The recognition of this truth is what this book is about."The most important part of this book for me was where Gangaji speaks about the heart of self-betrayal. "We have all experienced the grief of losing something, a beloved one, or a precious object. But even deeper than that grief is the grief of recognizing the betrayal of the truth of ourselves. Rather than actually experiencing this self-betrayal, we usually get very busy fabricating proof that we are not betraying ourselves. We busily gather power, pleasure, or knowledge to prove that we are not really betraying ourselves, that we really are okay. But this grief, this divine sadness, is very important.
There is a mysterious power in the transmission to be found in reading Gangaji's words, and I've written this to give you my experience with this mystery, but the best way to know this is to read the book for yourself. Please feel free to ignore all that I say here and just buy the book and read it.I first met Gangaji in a prison in Colorado in 1994, and fell instantly into love with her. God knows how or why, but in the instant of meeting her eyes, all the years and lifetimes of mental activity stopped dead without warning, revealing nothing but eternal, unmoving, silent love without condition.I had no spiritual understanding to speak of, and no need for any. I knew nothing of Ramana Maharshi or Papaji, or of the tradition in which they had appeared. I had no reference point from which I could understand what Gangaji was saying, and needed none.For some months, I wrote to her letter after letter, listened to her satsang tapes whenever I could get some time in the prison chapel where they were kept, and had not the slightest idea or interest in the actual content of her speech.Then, almost a year after that first meeting, I was sent a copy of her first book You are That!, and I was freshly stunned to discover that her naked words had a power of their own to transmit directly true understanding. Reading her words for the first time I had the direct experience of the power of her teaching, the brilliance and clarity with which she spoke of the reality of realization and of what is asked of us to see it. Her naked words transmit true understanding to all who would receive it.You Are That! is a compilation of beautifully edited transcripts of Gangaji's teaching in satsang.
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