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I Am So Brave! (Empowerment Series)
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This fourth book in the empowerment series celebrates the feats of growing out of toddlerhood with courage and success. Whether it’s petting a dog or waving good-bye to a parent, Krensky and Gillingham address the “small wins” of growing just a little bit braver. Young children and their parents will revel in the encouraging text and the vintage screen-print-style illustrations.Praise for I Am So BraveSTARRED REVIEWS "Gillingham's distinctive graphics, with their weathered retro aesthetic, and consistent positive reinforcement throughout make this outing another winner." --Publishers Weekly, starred review "A comforting celebration of everyday courage with lots of charm to boot." --Kirkus Reviews, starred review "Cheery and empowering, this simple story should resonate with tots everywhere." --BooklistAward: NAPPA Honors Winner

Series: Empowerment Series

Board book: 12 pages

Publisher: Harry N. Abrams; Brdbk edition (July 15, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1419709372

ISBN-13: 978-1419709371

Product Dimensions: 6.5 x 0.5 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.9 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (18 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #116,919 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #55 in Books > Children's Books > Early Learning > Basic Concepts > Opposites #985 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Friendship, Social Skills & School Life > Emotions & Feelings #3983 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Family Life

Age Range: 1 - 3 years

Grade Level: Preschool and up

I bought all the books in the Empowerment Series by Stephen Krensky for my son when he was about 8 months old. I love these books; they are upbeat and positive without being patronizing. I like that they show kids of both genders and of different ethnicities being parented by moms AND dads but they don't call attention to any of that, it's just there in the pictures. Sweet, simple text and colorful well-designed illustrations. Wonderful books for babies and young children!

I got these for my little niece! She loves them. If you have a little one I highly recommend them. They have beautiful illustrations. The sentences are simple so they are perfect to grow with your child as they learn to read. And they are empowering.

Excellent addition to this series. Simple examples that children can identify with, a sweet cadence to the words you won't mind reading, and illustrations that are simple but give you plenty to discover over many reads.

I'm a huge fan of these simple to read books for my toddler. I wish I had come across it earlier since the text is simple/short enough for the attention span of a toddler. The art is gorgeous,reminiscent of vintage art! The illustrations are graphic shapes so very easy for a first read and very clear to make out the simple story. My daughter is always picking these books for me to read to her and she's about 22 months now. The concept/premise of the books are also positive and pertain to a growing toddlers life. :)

We love this book! Fantastic illustrations, cute story. My son loves to wave when the little boy waves in the book, and he giggles about it and now starts waving pages ahead of time. Such a beautiful book.

My one year old son LOVES this book! The pictures are great. He points to the dogs and to the ball. And it's great to have a book that features a little boy who looks like him!!

My 16 month old daughter loved these books. They are sturdy, colorful, and a perfect size.

adorable book! thankful for a black, male character!

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