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A Child's Book Of Poems
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William Blake, Kate Greenaway, Emily Dickinson: the writers in this charming anthology of 200 poems—first published in 1969—are among literature’s most beloved. And Gyo Fujikawa’s appealing illustrations depict children of all races sweetly interacting, as well as an engagingly rendered menagerie of animals and the natural world in all its wonderment. Among the verses that children will love are Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s “Christmas Bells,” Lewis Carroll’s “The Melancholy Pig,” and Eugene Fields’ “Wynken, Blynken, and Nod,” along with proverbs, limericks, nursery rhymes, and folk songs.

Hardcover: 128 pages

Publisher: Sterling (September 1, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1402750617

ISBN-13: 978-1402750618

Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 0.6 x 11.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (83 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #15,269 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #64 in Books > Children's Books > Early Learning > Poetry #159 in Books > Children's Books > Literature & Fiction > Poetry

Age Range: 3 - 7 years

Grade Level: Preschool - 2

This book is filled with amazingly beautiful poetry by famous poets along with amazingly beautiful illustrations.Here are some of the poets and poems,William Blake--NightWhich is the Way to Somewhere Town? Kate GreenawaySummer Sun --Robert Louis StevensonWenkyn, Blenkyn and Nod--Eugene FieldThe Kitten and the Falling Leaves--William WordsworthThe City Mouse and the Garden Mouse--Christina RossettiTrees--Sarah ColeridgeThe Mountain and the Squirrel--ralph Waldo EmersonCertainty--Emily DickensonTHe Months--Sarah ColeridgeThe Owl and the Pussycat--Edward LearA Sea Song from the Shore--James Whitcomb RileyMy Valentine--Robert Louis StevensonThe Crocodile--Lewis CarrollWho is Tapping at my Window?---A.G.DemingThe Sea Gull--Gaelic Folk SongThe Eagle--Alfred Lord TennysonPippa's Song--Robert BrowningLo, THe Winter is Past--Song of SolomonSpring--William BlakeFrom the Bridge--John KeatsLet Dogs Delight--Isaac wattsGood Night--Victor HugoEarly to Bed--Old Proverb,Mother--George cooper,A Swing Song---William AllinghamBe True--William Shakespeare,The Happy Sheep-- wilfred ThorleyThe Breeze--Old Garden RhymeDaisies--Frank Dempster shermanThe Elf and the Doormouse--Oliver HerfordThere are many, many more like these. It's a book full of wonderment and innocence and respect for all our great creator has given us, including imagination.

My father read to us from this book when we were children, and all of us had our favorites. When I saw it had been reprinted, I bought a few! I have been reading to my kids from the old copy for several years.The variety of poetry in this collection is astounding. Poems date back to Shakespeare, into Dickenson's time, and also as recently as the 1960's. There are classics like Wynken, Blynken and Nod, but newer ones like What is Pink? A Rose is Pink. There are poems from women as well as men, and there is variety in the length as well.The one thing that all these poems have in common is their beauty. Recently children's poets have resorted to ickiness and shock to attract children. These poems use language that expands their vocabulary and makes them want to use these new words themselves. My children have started using words like prithee!The illustrations in this book are as attractive to me now as they were when I was a child, and my children love them as well. The illustration for Daffodils makes a person feel as though we are wandering lonely as a cloud with the child as well. If this book were more widely available, I would buy a stack to give out at baby showers.

I had this poem come into my head at the age of 40 - "old dog". The lines of it came to me once in awhile - I searched for it and searched for it - no luck anywhere. Finally I found an old handwritten book of poems of mine - favorites I had copied at the ripe old age of 10. Lo and behold - "Old Dog" was in this book. I bought it - I read it almost nightly to my 5 year old daughter and she is slowly but surely coming to love it also. At first I think she was just humoring her mother, but now she actually requests it. What a beautiful book, what lovely poetry. Another reviewer mentioned too much for their child, too boring, too something - I say "pshaw!" to that - half the problems with todays kids is that their parents don't even try to bring them back to the simpler days in life - when things weren't all flashy and quick and immediate. Read to your children, show them the finer things in life that we were shown oh so many years ago. They'll take to it too if you just give them the chance!

I still have my copy of A Child's Book of Poems, my most beloved childhood book. I read from it to my son every night. This is the most beautifully illustrated anthology of poems by great poets, some famous and some not so well known (from William Blake to William Shakespeare) I have ever seen! I have so many of the poems memorized that I hardly have to look at the words, allowing me to soak up the fantastic artwork as I get lost in a wonderland of rhyme. It is a shame that this book is not still in print.

My 35 year old daughter still has her copy of this book which I gave to her when she was 2 or 3 yrs. old. We spent many hours over many years reading the poems.It is a beautiful, warm experience to lose onesself in this book.I never tire of just leafing through the pages once more.I want this book for my grandchildren. It definitely is due to be reprinted.

My two year old son and I both love this book. The poetry is wonderful and the illustrations are lovely. I get asked to "wead powems" nearly every night. These classic poems are instilling a love of poetry in my son that will last for years. I'm buying this for friends with children because I know they'll love it too.

I had been wanting to find a good book of poems for my 3 year old. We had tried some from the library and she didn't really like them. I found this version and I remembered Gyo Fujikawa's illustrations from when I was a child. We bought this book for a Christmas present. She LOVES it! She loves the pictures and has already memorized a poem! She would have me reading poems out of this book all day if she could! Such a great intro to poetry!

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