Paperback: 149 pages
Publisher: The New Press; Revised Edition edition (May 1, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1565849566
ISBN-13: 978-1565849563
Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 0.4 x 9.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 12 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 3.3 out of 5 stars See all reviews (11 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #274,038 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #18 in Books > Business & Money > Accounting > International #428 in Books > Business & Money > International > Economics #4769 in Books > Business & Money > Economics
Quite an interesting read, containing lots of facts that could affect your life (which job categories are most at risk for outsourcing overseas, how Wal-Mart treats its employees badly and taxpayers suffer the consequences, disgustingly excessive pay for CEOs, the invasion of unregulated genetically modified food, ...). Many of the facts are eye-opening and I certainly moderated my personal pro-business views.Unfotrunately, the book is introductory (almost to a fault) as you can guess from the fact that the jacket brags about the book's cartoons. It is extremely one-sided, and its blatant pro-union propaganda can be annoying. Facts and statistics are presented but I got the feeling that many of the book's arguments could be undermined if the "whole story" were revealed (simply throwing in a citation should not take the place of complete presentation within the text). Finally, there are many completely unsupported statements of opinion inappropriately stuck into otherwise fact-based paragraphs, giving these opinions apparent legitimacy.Despite its shortcomings, this is an interesting book, and presents an easy way to learn about the World Bank and the IMF as (probably) seen by Third World people. After reading, I agree that the corporate-driven globalization we are now experiencing is flawed, but some of the alternatives promoted by this book (blanket amnesty to illegal aliens, total cancellation of poor-country debt, weakened protection of intellectual property rights, ...) appear equally ill-considered.
The updated, expanded new edition of the Field Guide To The Global Economy presents the latest facts key to helping students and general audiences understand the elements of the changing international economy, and is a 'must' for any who would keep up with change. Charts, graphs and cartoons aid in understanding the latest trends, from the outsourcing of US jobs to the influence of big chains around the world. To add authority, this is published in conjunction with the Institute for policy Studies based in Washington DC and explains how global institutions affect not just monetary policies, but social and economic situations around the world.
A group in our high school had been planning a symposium on the global economy when our advisor suggested that we take a look at this book. "Field Guide" offers a clear, concise description of many of the global issues that confront citizens of both the industrialized and unindustrialized nations. To its credit, it offers both the pros and cons of many of the issues it discusses and offers a resource list for others to get involved. I encourage anyone interested global politics or economics to read this book, share it with a friend, and get involved!
This is an easy to read book that cuts through the use of economic jargon, and speaks to the reader in clear, concise, simple English. It examines both the positive and negative sides to globalization and avoids being biased. For visual learners, there are many charts, graphs, diagrams, and cartoons used to stress points and illustrate the subject matter.
That is the first book on economics I read that does not necessarily employ a lot of incomprehensible terminology. Moreover, it is written for the average reader who wants to get a "first introduction" into the topic. It is definitely not written for people who search any detailed infomation. This book explains perfectly the basic correlations in today's global economy.
The book gave a good summary of the Global Economy but from a definite perspective, rather than from an even-handed assessment. It would have been more useful if the topics were treated objectively, including progressive and traditional valuations.
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