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Ethics And The Conduct Of Business (7th Edition)
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Ethical Issues in Developing Business Policies   Ethics and the Conduct of Business is a comprehensive and up-to-date discussion of the most prominent issues in the field of business ethics, and the major positions and arguments on these issues.  Numerous real-life examples and case studies are used throughout the book to increase understanding of issues, stimulate class discussion, and show the relevance of the discussion to real-life business practice.   Note: The focus of Ethics and the Conduct of Business is primarily on ethical issues that corporate decision makers face in developing policies about employees, customers, and the general public. The positions and arguments on these issues are taken from a wide variety of sources, including economics and the law.   Teaching and Learning Experience   Improve Critical Thinking - A substantial amount of legal material is contained within Ethics and the Conduct of Business. Not only because the law addresses many ethical issues, but also because the management decision-making process must take into account relevant legal practices.   Engage Students - This book employs fifty case studies that firmly illustrate the wide variety of issues pertaining to business ethics and enable students to engage in ethical decision making.   Support Instructors - Teaching your course just got easier!  You can create a Customized Text or use our Instructor’s Manual, Electronic “MyTest” Test Bank or PowerPoint Presentation Slides.  Plus, a substantial number of cases within Ethics and the Conduct of Business provide the opportunity for a case-study approach or a combined lecture/discussion format for your course.          

Paperback: 384 pages

Publisher: Pearson; 7 edition (October 3, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0205053130

ISBN-13: 978-0205053131

Product Dimensions: 7.9 x 0.6 x 9.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.5 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.1 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (48 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #174,243 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #68 in Books > Textbooks > Business & Finance > Business Ethics #252 in Books > Business & Money > Business Culture > Ethics #980 in Books > Textbooks > Humanities > Philosophy

Have used this text (2nd and now 3rd editions)to teach business ethics classes at the graduate and undergraduate levels for several years. It is well written and popular with students. Case studies represent the spectrum of ethics issues found in business today. The foundational ethics theory is clearly articulated, appropriate and sufficient.

90 something bucks for a paperback in okay condition? Really? And "they" expect us to conduct ourselves in an ethical manner, please...Somewhere along the supply chain, someone needs to take a pay cut.

This was a required text for my business ethics course and has to be the worst textbook that I've ever had the unfortunate task of reading. In five weeks, I had to read this book from cover to cover and it was an absolute bore. Small type, wordy, and inferior to even my business law and accounting textbooks.While the subject matter is important, this book could stand a serious facelift.

The book has good content but I rented the e-book and it does not have text to voice capability. I am getting my MBA and work full time and I enjoy running while listening to a couple of chapters as I feel like I am multitasking. It would be great is this book had the capability to allow that.

In Ethics and the Conduct of Business, Boatright presents a well thought out and comprehensive study of Business and Ethics. Tracing the historical foundations of business ethics and deeply examining the moral, legal, and economic prespectives proves to be a worthwhile reading experience. Sometimes and bit dry but easily understood with worthy case examples, I would reccomend this book to any interested party.

Not an easy read for a class text, just do fine doesn't flow. The concepts and content are fine just not fluid.

Although this book is great- the Kindle version is very difficult to read. I've use my Kindle on many occasions to download my text books and this is the first time that I'm having an horrendous time. I'm not sure if it's the software or what but there is something distinctly wrong with the way this kindle version is behaving.1- it's impossible to stretch the page as I have in the past- it goes awry.2- Sometimes I'm left with sections that are blank and the only way to get the words back on the page is to tapI'm having a terrible time with my Ethics class because I've already purchased this book via Kindle and feel stuck. I usually enjoy reading my books via Kindle but honestly- this experience has made me a little apprehensive about purchasing any more books in the future.To say I'm disappointed with my version of this book on Kindle is putting putting it lightly. I'm angry, frustrated and really annoyed.ThanksRomyPS: I'm a loyal customer and love your products but I'm upset.

I needed this book for a online class as I hate to use e-books for studying and doing homework. I found this on , ordered it, received it promptly and was able to use it for my first assignments.

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