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The Truth About Delegation: Grow Your Profits By Leveraging Other's People Power, Time, & Talents
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Are you working yourself into the ground by trying to get it all done in your business?Have you tried to delegate but got burned?Currently delegating, but still feels like you have a thousand things on your to-do list to do?What if I said there is a way of getting your team to do things right the first time, every time.Want to learn how to delegate masterfully & profitably (without have to babysit your team?)Then you are in luck, in this short book I am going to share with you tried, tested and proven best practices that many small business owners have implemented to grow highly successful businesses with generous profits just via delegating.Here’s what you can expect from following & implementing the advice contained in this book:• How To Quickly Decide “What to Keep & What to Give Away”• The Truth About Delegation• The Five Steps To Delegating Right The First Time, Every Time• The #1 Thing You Must Do To Ensure Tasks Get Done To Perfection• How To Avoid Confusion & Things Falling Through The CracksThis book will provide you the clarity of what you should be delegating and how to do it effectively & profitably, so that you can grow a bigger, better company faster --without driving yourself into the ground. But, most importantly, so you can sleep better at night knowing that the tasks you are delegating will get done right with a clockwork consistency.

File Size: 1350 KB

Print Length: 32 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: (January 27, 2014)

Publication Date: January 27, 2014

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #732,627 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #60 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Management & Leadership > Outsourcing #97 in Books > Business & Money > Human Resources > Outsourcing #1378 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Entrepreneurship & Small Business > Home-Based

Decent, but very basic intro to delegation. Don't get me wrong, this seems to be some pretty solid advice for newbies. However, I feel like the meat of this book was "delegated" to outside content the author provided links to. Very meta. I can't really complain though, snapped this up while it was free.

The Truth About Delegation is a straight-to-the-point advice and motivation book. And it's just what I needed to read! Yvette Syversen delivers a tremendous encapsulation of WHY we should delegate many tasks, and HOW we should go about doing that in order to get things done right with CLEAR COMMUNICATION between bosses and assistants. And she writes it in a fun and engaging style that makes it enjoyable to read!Thank you Yvette for the excellent reminders and for reigniting the importance of USING YOUR TIME WISELY! I am totally signing up for your newsletter...

This book really puts delegating into perspective. As a small business owner I found it incredibly eye opening. We have all heard it before but reading it for some reason really hit home with me. I have implemented delegating (which was a difficult step for me to take) the tasks I don't like, but they need to be done to a part time person. Saving me time and money. This book was the kick in the pants I needed to help me get to the next level.

If you have a small or not so small business, you need to read this short guide. It will change your business and your life, will help you ramp up profits and get more free time, even of you only implement parts of. Hiring out tasks that you should not be doing is essential. But deciding what needs to be delegated and delegating the right way is just as important, and this book will show you how to do it. Highly recommended!

I am going through this now. I know I need to delegate but I'm having a hard time deciding which things to delegate and then how to manage the process. This book told me how to do all that - nice and simple, a quick easy read that had me going on my delegating way very quickly after months of stuckness. Thank you!

So smart and informative. It is so easy to get caught in day to day tasks when running a business, but delegation is a must if you want to grow to an incredible level. The author does a great job describing how to make this work for you.

I see it all the time - talented business owners and professionals who are running themselves into the ground because they are not willing to delegate. I do it myself! You know you should delegate, but you don't know how to do it effectively - every time you try, you end up feeling like you would be better off just doing it yourself. Yet you know your business will never grow if you can't break out of this cycle.This nugget of a book is a quick read but packed with concise information and inspiration for business owners who are tired of doing everything themselves and want to know how to delegate effectively so they can make more money working fewer hours.Yvette gets right to the point, clearly laying out the business and personal benefits to delegating as well as how to start thinking about what to delegate, and what to do with the time delegating will free up. She takes what may seem complicated and overwhelming and creates a manageable step-by-step guide to making it happen.Each chapter of the book is chock full of suggestions that may seem obvious once you read them... except you know that you haven't been doing what Yvette suggests and are suffering greatly for it. You'll want to read this book over and over to make sure you really got it and are following the steps and procedures so you can avoid all the common pitfalls of delegation and enjoy success. I highly recommend this book.

This book is a fantastic, short, content-rich book about delegation that completely flipped my mindset. I had this big realization that I'd been trying to do everything myself because I'd been raised to think that smart girls didn't need help, and that asking for help was actually a sign of weakness, especially for women. Which makes so much sense in our culture, but is harming us and holding back our felt strange the first time I did it, but now I'm a delegating machine, and it's been amazing. Everything I do myself is better quality because I'm doing the things I'm good at, and everything I'm delegating is better quality because someone who's better at it than I am is doing it. I almost feel like we should make every 8-year-old girl in this country read this book to get her head on straight about using her own talents and being smart about delegating the rest.This book is absolutely worth the money and the time it takes to read, and it's on my list of "read this now" books for other women in business.

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