File Size: 2702 KB
Print Length: 47 pages
Publisher: Fleming House Publishers (November 15, 2013)
Publication Date: November 15, 2013
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #127,143 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #11 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Management & Leadership > Outsourcing #18 in Books > Business & Money > Human Resources > Outsourcing #147 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Entrepreneurship & Small Business > Small Business
If you want to learn the (really valuable) stuff Michael Hyatt has to share about virtual assistants, just search his blog. I've really benefited from his writing there, and there's very little new content here. I expected that to be largely true, and the book was only $2.99 - so my complaint isn't a big one. What left me most disappointed, though, was the lack of discussing any options other than EAHelp, which is priced at the top of the market ($36/hour for 5 hours per week). I'd have loved some discussions about other domestic options that are not at a premium price point in order to make this more actionable for those of us who don't have budget for the high end of the market.
I received a free copy of this book for an honest review and it was a timely topic. During the time I read it I was also in the employment market and had an interview scheduled for becoming a virtual assistant, so I was intrigued by the information it would provide.Michael provides a quick and informative read here, breaking the topics into easily digestible pieces. The book is of value to anyone considering hiring a VA and also to others who may have the skills to consider becoming one. It quickly but thoroughly provides a look at this type of relationship and the value it can be to all parties.I read the book in a short amount of time and found it to be conversational--even casual--in places, so if you enjoy reading something that doesn't feel like a policy manual or textbook, you will enjoy this. Michael provides pointers and ideas for tools that can help a relationship with a VA be productive and effective, so the book covers the scope from considering a VA to how to effectively work with one, and even suggests some fee ranges. Chapters include: "Why You Need a Virtual Assistant," "Answering the Most Common Questions," and "Tools for Staying in Sync."The one hesitancy I have with the book is that one particular VA firm is highlighted in the book more than once* (mostly in the forward and appendix) and the reader is encouraged to contact that firm for a quote. Some readers may prefer that links to several options for firms providing this type of assistance have been included as a resource since the book does deal with the topic in general. However, the material provided is still valuable, and the firm mentioned seems to be one of the leaders in the industry and a worthwhile one to consider.*Note, Michael has the wise policy of only recommending services he has had personal experience with, which is why the book does not contain a list of other possibilities.
Michael Hyatt has built a good reputation and business for himself and I enjoy his blog posts and other writings. Although I don't know him personally, I respect what he's accomplished and the way he's gone about doing it.That said. This book doesn't seem to be one of his best efforts. The forward and appendix are both by the CEO of eaHelp, Brian Miles. The chapters in between seem as much a sales pitch that could be downloaded from the eaHelp web site as actual content.Sure there a few good nuggets of information, but overall, I felt like I was being sold rather than illuminated.Perhaps my perspective was tainted a bit. I've used several VA companies over the years (eaHelp was not one of them) and I currently have a fantastic individual that helps me in this role. So, I definitely see the value of and have benefited from a good VA.
Michael Hyatt gives concrete ideas on the reason to have them virtual assistant and how to make the relationship work.In addition to the rationale he also gives specific tools that he uses. Although some of these tools might have changed over time, the concepts will remain for a long time.If you're thinking of getting a virtual assistant, this book is exactly what you need to read.
I may be wrong, but anyone looking into getting a VA (or EA per eahelp) will not necessarily need this book. :) They probably already agree with every point the book makes. I did!Unfortunately, although eahelp is probably the most top-notch VA source out there, it is not for everyone. I have a little web design company and can't afford their prices yet.Don't get me wrong... it's not like the whole book is about eahelp... not at all! In fact, this book is a GREAT resource to give to your boss or someone you're trying to convince of the need of a VA. This book is more than a simple article on the topic, and the author is a solid professional and big voice in that world.I would recommend this to 1) anyone who has the budget for additional, quality help, 2) anyone who's trying to get their manager/boss to allow them some additional help, and 3) the people who are not yet convinced of the need or who have never heard of a VA.
The book highlights the benefits of a virtual assistant and what they can do for you to ease your burden; however, the book is beneficial in helping the reader understand how to offload traditional work as well.Michael highlights his experience with eaHELP and the tools he uses for success. The tools section (chapter 6) is worth the price of this book alone.i don't have the need for a virtual assistant but did help me re-think how I am approaching my work and where I need to delegate to someone else or even automate.This is a great book for understanding how a virtual assistant can help you go farther, faster.
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