File Size: 805 KB
Print Length: 168 pages
Publisher: The MIT Press (May 10, 2013)
Publication Date: May 10, 2013
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #560,432 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #45 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Management & Leadership > Outsourcing #74 in Books > Business & Money > Human Resources > Outsourcing #448 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Reference > Words, Language & Grammar > Communication
Daren Brabham defines crowdsourcing as “an online, distributed problem-solving and production model that leverages the collective intelligence of online communities to serve specific organizational goal.” He emphasizes that “the locus of control regarding the creative production of goods and ideas exists between the organization and the public, a shared process of bottom-up, open creation by the crowd and top-down management by those charged with serving an organization’s strategic interests.”Threadless is a T-shirt company which uses crowdsourcing for product ideas. Doritos sponsors a contest where crowd members develop TV ads for the brand; the winner is aired during the Super Bowl. Peer-to-Patent was a pilot project in which the crowd reviewed patent applications to help the US Patent and Trademark Office identify “prior art.”A benefit of crowdsourcing is that “outsiders can bring fresh insights to internal problems… A statistical analysis of the InnoCentive service… found that the Solver community was able to solve 29 percent of the problems that the Seekers—all large companies with internal labs and researchers—posted after they were unable to solve these problems internally. Moreover… Solvers on the margins of a disciplinary domain—outsiders to a give problem’s domain of specialty—performed better at solving the problem.”Another benefit of crowdsourcing is that it can reduce risk. Threadless T-shirt designs and Doritos’ Super Bowl ad use a “peer-vetted creative-production approach… Because the crowd is the eventual user of the product, media content, or space, they are empowered to select the best ideas.”The author writes about what motivates people to participate in crowdsourcing. Managerial commitment is important.
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