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Virtual Assistant Assistant: The Ultimate Guide To Finding, Hiring, And Working With Virtual Assistants: Expanded And Updated For 2016
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Are You Running Your Business or is Your Business Running You? Virtual Assistant Assistant is the book for entrepreneurs who are looking for a way to take their business to the next level. If you've ever caught yourself thinking there just aren't enough hours in the day, there is a solution. And it won’t make you go broke, either.Virtual assistants are essentially telecommuting contractors to your business. This book tells you everything you need to know about virtual assistants, including:Where to find the best onesHow to hire them Best practices for working with them on an ongoing basisIt’s written from firsthand experience, NOT theoretical or academic fluff. I've been working with virtual assistants for more than 10 years, and have made my share of mistakes so you don't have to. You’ll learn how a talented virtual assistant can help save you time, money, and headache. Take control of your entrepreneurial life and learn how to effectively outsource your non-essential tasks. You’ll free up hours every day to focus on what’s really important. In the end, virtual assistants can help you lead a happier, healthier, and more productive and stress-free life.It's possible (and I would argue essential) to unload many aspects of your day-to-day work, leaving you free to tackle the higher-level, strategic, and money-making projects that often get neglected. Time is Our Most Valuable Resource But it's also the resource we are quickest to waste.With this book, you may not achieve the 4 Hour Work Week right away, but you’ll get actionable advice on how to get started with outsourcing. The world’s most successful people didn't get there alone; they all had help along the way. What are you waiting for?Scroll up and hit "Buy Now" to get started today.

File Size: 553 KB

Print Length: 140 pages

Publication Date: January 16, 2014

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #314,159 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #29 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Management & Leadership > Outsourcing #45 in Books > Business & Money > Human Resources > Outsourcing #1164 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Entrepreneurship & Small Business > Entrepreneurship

He seems weighted toward using companies who have a 'stable' of virtual assistants, but also has worked with individuals. He has worked with and can speak about virtual assistants in many countries; both men and women.Loper addresses many concerns about security with solid advice as well as certifications and organizations that represent credibility for the virtual assistant. While there is no doubt that rates are important and we all know the differences in standards of living can lead to some lower and higher rates, I wish he hadn't used numbers. Figures change constantly and the numbers he used can become a 'standard' that new business people expect when beginning to work with virtual assistants. Loper also implies it is common to hire someone at low rates, but only barely discusses the point that the lower rate people may also be offering services that have demanded a lower investment in time and equipment for them. He recommends asking the virtual assistant applicants to do some tasks as an experiment. These are not necessarily free work, but more of a test. He uses the term resume and most virtual assistants use the term profile, but I believe this isn't a deal breaker once the need is defined. Clients need to know where and how a virtual assistant has or has not worked.The author wins all five stars for me in other similar reviews because he devotes a large part of the book to way an entrepreneur can sensibly take charge of business and the virtual assistant relationship. The leadership people I've worked with have been other virtual assistants as a subcontractor. Clients right out of the box have not been able or willing to do this and it has left me at a disadvantage more than once.

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