File Size: 3524 KB
Print Length: 218 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: VeraSage Press; 1.1 edition (February 26, 2015)
Publication Date: February 26, 2015
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #318,135 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #50 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Management & Leadership > Knowledge Capital #104 in Books > Business & Money > Human Resources > Knowledge Capital #110 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Technology > Innovation
Ron and Ed have written a guide, thoroughly researched, on what we need to do, as organizations and individuals, to thrive in the "new normal" we find ourselves in.From their deep thinking on economic theory to practical tools for the knowledge economy like AARs (After-Action Review), this book will inspire and give you practical ways to think about effectiveness in the knowledge economy. Then there is the always insightful view or pricing and communicating value. In the end they close with the 'soul of enterprise' which speaks to the purpose or calling or in the words of Simon Sinek, your 'why'.Ron Baker and Ed Kless have written an inspiring and practical piece that every CEO and every knowledge worker should read (that means all of us). Like Ron's story about how his dad bought him George Gilder's book that forever changed him, I am buying three books to give to my three sons and recommending we add this to our book club at the Maryland Association of CPAs.I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!
I have entered my first truly entrepreneurial attempt at creating my own business, and this book has provided me so many great tools and ideas as to how to run my new business. And beyond the concrete methods I will be using from this book to help my budding business, this book (along with their FANTASTIC podcast) has helped me THINK differently about my business. I have gone into this business not really knowing what I was doing, and while I still have an immense amount of learning to do, this book got me reflecting on what I've done with a different set of business lenses that have allowed me to see with more clarity my past mistakes. I am now correcting my errors, and when my business becomes a success, I will honestly be able to thank The Soul Of Enterprise for providing me a boost of knowledge and motivation that is allowing me to redirect my business on a more effective path.I have been reading other business books as well, and the format of "The Soul Of Enterprise" is exponentially more pleasurable than anything I've read thus far. The book is written in the form of a casual conversation between the two authors. This format allowed ideas to be bounced back and forth and discussed between the two authors, as opposed to having their topics merely narrated to the reader. I have read books in the past where I knew I was getting valuable insight and knowledge, but was bored to tears trying to push through them. The conversational style of writing takes the great insights they have, and put it into a format that is such a pleasure to read.This is not a book to pass up. I cannot recommend it enough. And don't miss their podcast by the same name as well. The two hosts of the show have great chemistry in their discussion of such interesting topics that keep giving me "Aha!" moments all the time.
I listen to every Episode of my favorite Podcast "The Soul of Enterprise". I am always deeply impressed by the profound and inspiring knowledge of economy and entrepeneurship Ron and Ed are sharing. To have this precious content condensed in this ebook is great.
If you want to know the answers to questions like: “How do I increase my return on equity?”, “What’s the secret to optimizing hours utilization?”, and “What are the latest service industry best practices?”, this is not your book. But if you want to explore questions like: “What’s the purpose of business?”, “Where does a company’s value come from?”, and “What ideas will define economic flourishing in the next hundred years?”, you’ve picked up the right text. In it, you’ll be a fly on the wall as two of my mentors converse about the concepts they’ve mined and honed for years, and with which they’ve inspired many. But a word of caution, then a promise: Like Pandora's Box, these ideas are dangerous, and you will find it hard not to start changing the ways you do things. But if you do, you will also find a new satisfaction, as you re-ignite, The Soul of Enterprise.
The authors distill--and successfully connect--key points from several schools of thought, and theories/frameworks from multiple thought leaders. They use powerful examples from world history that span multiple centuries, and they also add their own examples/thought experiments to bring these key points to life. The book draws you into the topics with its conversational style and keeps your interest by making the concepts approachable, and its points convincing. As other reviewers have noted, the underlying messages are rooted in hope/optimism: this is a refreshing perspective that likely will lead to self-reflection and application of the concepts. My hope would be for our next generation of leaders to read and begin to digest these concepts--I wish I had access to this wisdom when I started my career--thankfully I have access to it now.
Words matter. They really do.And when they’re combined as they are in this book their impact becomes profound. This is a profoundly important book — just glance at The Epilogue to see why. Ron and Ed take us (no — they lead us) on an amazing journey that quite simply changes lives. Yours (like mine) will not be the same after your first read.The sheer depth of thought and expression here will make you go through it again … and again.It’s brilliant, purposeful and totally inspiring.
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