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Pimsleur Japanese Basic Course - Level 1 Lessons 1-10 CD: Learn To Speak And Understand Japanese With Pimsleur Language Programs
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The Pimsleur® Method: the easiest, fastest way to learn a new language. Completely portable, easily downloadable, and lots of fun. You’ll be speaking and understanding in no time flat! This course includes Lessons 1-10 from the Japanese Level 1 program - 5 hours of audio-only effective language learning with real-life spoken practice sessions. Get a chance to test drive the incredibly effective and efficient, world-famous Pimsleur Level 1 Program. Each lesson provides 30 minutes of spoken language practice, with an introductory conversation, and new vocabulary and structures. Detailed instructions enable you to understand and participate in the conversation. Practice for vocabulary introduced in previous lessons is included in each lesson. The emphasis is on pronunciation and comprehension, and on learning to speak Japanese. The Japanese Language Japanese is spoken by about 130 million people, 122 million of whom are in Japan. There are also speakers in the Ryukyu Islands, Korea, Taiwan, parts of the United States, and Brazil. Japanese has many “registers” or levels of politeness. Pimsleur’s Japanese courses will teach you how to speak at a polite register, which is appropriate in virtually any situation you are likely to encounter in Japan.

Series: Basic (Book 1)

Audio CD: 5 pages

Publisher: Pimsleur; Unabridged edition (November 1, 2005)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0743550722

ISBN-13: 978-0743550727

Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 2.3 x 6.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 9.9 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (69 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #26,054 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #1 in Books > Books on CD > Languages > Language Instruction > Japanese #7 in Books > Books on CD > Reference #12 in Books > Textbooks > Humanities > Foreign Languages > Japanese

There is a possibility that I might be going to Japan for work, and being somewhat remedial with learning foreign languages, I wanted an inexpensive way to "test the waters"... can I really learn to speak Japanese from a CD? Is Pimsleur the right choice? Absolutely! I put these CDs in my radio on my way to work rather than listen to DJs talk about nothing and have been wonderfully surprised.Pro:-Lessons feature male and female speakers to give you a range of voice pitch-Price of $15 for 10 half-hour lessons on 5 CDs delivered to you door is awesome!-Some repetition and periodic reviews to help you learn and to keep you sharp-You learn basics to get around, such as "Do you understand English?" and "Good morning, nice weather isn't it."-5 CDs come with a nice black zippered soft-sided CD holderCon:-Each 30-minute lesson is an entire track, so you can't use the "scan" feature on your radio, you must rewind (or fast forward) manually, despite clear logical breaks (like learning the reponse to a question you just learned)-No supporting book or pamphlet of words to visually memorize (I need all the help I can get)-Lessons are not a full 30 minutes typically... would have appreciated more repetition on several words that get almost none (you can rewind, so minor point I suppose)Neutral:-Tip #1: CD recommends that if you master 80% of the material, you can move on to the next lesson. I couldn't disagree more, be nearly 100% to get the most of this (you can do it if I can), rewind if you must-Tip #2: They say a word and you repeat it, there are a few seconds of delay time for you to respond. Learn to say each word not once in that time, but twice, so that you learn to speak at a reasonable speed.

Having never studied Japanese before, I bought this program as a "tester" to see if I could learn from an audio-based course...before forking over a large sum for the full Pimsleur works...for me, anyway.With this "Basic Japanese" edition, you get the first 10 lessons of the Pimsleur Level I Comprehensive Program. The SAME ten can get to own them twice!The same goes for the "Conversational Japanese" edition. You get the first 16 lessons. SO...don't buy the "Basic Japanese" AND the "Conversational Japanese" will be buying the same ten lessons twice! Although, "claims" these two items are "commonly bought together". And if they truly are, all those people are wasting their money. Thanks :/In the first ten lessons, you'll cover approx. 130 different words (give or take); NOT counting sentence structures.Overall, the program works well enough...YET...not as efficiently as the company proclaims. The program is sorely lacking in a phonetic-spelling word list. Pimsleur claims looking over written words would only slow or hinder the lessons and your learning/pronunciation...yet...I guess Pimsleur never thought that someone hearing people pronounce words in a foreign language for the first time might benefit from the smallest amount of visual-aid in order to get it right the first time.NOW...with every new word, the program DOES provide a slow piece-by-piece pronunciation...HOWEVER...anyone who has seen "Lost in Translation" knows it doesn't matter how slowly someone says "Lip mi Sockins", you're still going to need some clarification. (And YES, I realize that scene involves a Japanese Woman trying to speak English...BUT...

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